ITT Albums black people will never understand

ITT Albums black people will never understand

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you're right. i don't

i understand this though

t. black person

thank god I’ll never understand these

they seems like soyboy albums

white person here can confirm this is /soy/core music

no one will understand it because its complete nonsense

I figured as much

Was this when soy critical mass was reached? I feel like after this the long awaited backlash against pretentious weak-ass, uninspired, derivative, soft, and downright overhyped hipster bullshit was started.

you guys are projecting so fucking hard. if you're that fucking preoccupied with your masculinity its clear that you're lacking

can you direct me to a website where I can get a discount on soylent?

can you direct me to an alternate reality where you have a cock?

please user I need this, I was told if I raise my soy levels high enough I’ll finally be able to appreciate music of your tastes

>step one: flick bean
>step 2: become the bean


change thread name to
ITT Albums only white people who love to listen to themselves talk about white people shit(eating hot dogs, breaks ups, ec.) would understand

>eating hot dogs


white people love hotdogs dude

Yes, that's true. But I don't know many songs with themes about eating hot dogs. That's a universal thing anyway, like breakups.

you’re so white that you think a white thing like break ups is universal. WAKE UP WHITEY, the universe is black, white , brown, ecksetera

user I don’t think break ups are exclusively a white thing....

I might kind of get hot dogs but not breakups. That's a universal trope songs use written by people of all ethnicities.

Honestly he is right.

There is literally 0 emotional depth to the average black person. There’s no such thing as a breakup to them as the very concept of a relationship to them is not the same as it is to a white.

go back to containment board kiddo and get ready for school you have a long day



go back

[citation needed]

You know I’m right. Blacks live a life of simplicity as they are unable to process the existential realities of life the way whites are. It’s why none of their media has artistic merit and is steeped in base expression and vulgarity.

They are literally centuries behind us in terms of how they associate with the fabric of life.

no you’re right in your own head which counts for something I guess but alas like the others have said go back kiddo

Well that's just like, your opinion man.

when did all these alt-right fags get here did I miss something?

>did I miss something

The past two years?

Not racist btw. Just stating facts. I love the blacks really.

Theyre only noticeable when the Americans are out of school/work usually nighttime /my/ is comfy

t. Soyboy

>Niggers insult whites all over this thread
>user says something accurate about niggers
>They chimp out
Like pottery.

well that does explain some things

does Sup Forums like black metal and will Sup Forums even know what this is?

can black people even feel? especially black men. can you name at least one black artist who made something very dark and depressive?

ummm this thread is for soyboys only I’m going to have to ask you people to leave

LMAO, you're a dumb little nigger, aren't you?

I'm black and hearing Undone The Sweater Song when I was 15 is what got me into music.

Can’t I’m researching essential /soy/core for a chart I’m making

t. soyboy

MC Ride

Also blacks are more depressed than whites in the US



Not arguing which demographic "feels more" but depression is the total opposite of having feelings: the lack of feelings, dumbshit. Depression =/= sadness.


literally the genre that started it all; blues

Why are you getting mad at me when they're the one that asked about a capacity to create "depressive" music?