Why is this album so appreciated and celebrated...

Why is this album so appreciated and celebrated? Call me a newfag or whatever I legitimately don't understand the appeal. Maybe it's just because I don't like this kind of music?

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>Maybe it's just because I don't like this kind of music?
What do you like?

I listen to mainly hip hop like Vince Staples, Tyler the creator, and Kanye west. But it's not like I won't listen to anything else I like lil bo weep and tame Impala also to name a few other artists

It's a meme.

>i like nigger music and tame impala

I mean lil bo weep isn't nigger but okay, try to expand your horizons... You're just as bad as people who call rock soy and only listen to hip hop..

7 billion people can't be wrong

t. soyboys

>try to expand your horizons
>I don't understand Neutral Milk Hotel
Terrible taste. no wonder you don't understand it.

you've adjusted to listening to hip hop, so your brain can't process slower and serene music.

short answer: your taste sucks

I thought like you do for a long time.
One day I started listening to it and the emotion and the expression of the album caught me. The lyrics hit me hard at the time, it was unlike anything I had ever seen.

holy fucking reddit taste

go away

I bet u listen to radiohead

What's wrong with Radiohead?

It’s because you’re used to listening to music that values aesthetic the most.

what a shit insult


Ask yourself soyim

OK. They're fine.

Now you explain it

Listen to it more than once newfag

ITT: retards being obviously trolled

Not that guy but radiohead is as shit as tame impala. You have no leg to stand on.

hey master baiter

>tfw people fall for such obvious bait

Another reason why we should ban hip hop fags



>radiohead is as shit