Is there a more embarrassing, cringeworthy genre than punk? I don't think there is

Is there a more embarrassing, cringeworthy genre than punk? I don't think there is.

fuck you mods

yeah: metal, prog, rap

Do they spout off about political issues they don't understand?

Yeah your favorite genre

Not all punk is political, anyways.. Hardcore emo is the true red pill

for rap, yes. for metal, probably. for prog, no, but they talk about faeries and orbs, so equally annoying.

But even apolitical bands still make jabs and comments about politics to showcase their ignorance.
>Rise Against
>Against Me
>Senses Fail

prog hands down. it's the shittest genre

Shitty =/= embarrassing

your favorite genre

Who gives a fuck? You think politicians actually care about you? Politics is a joke.

There is literally nothing wrong with taking jabs at politics or politicians.

to be fair, a grown ass man singing in an obscure time signature about how much he loves middle earth or planets or whatever is pretty embarrassing

Ok fair enough but at least they have imagination

true that. as long as they're having fun, i suppose

To be honest op I actually agree with you, I like apolitical bands. I don't like people preeching their politics to me. But when it comes down to it, I hate politicians more than I hate uninformed musicians.

You guys get too triggered the instant somebody mentions politics in anything at all. Chill the fuck out, and enjoy the music (or whatever art or w/e else you're crying like a bitch about.)

all of those bands suck

Music for girls young enough to be my daughter BTFO!

surely that's not an actual band picture

How embarrassing

Anything with auto tune in it.

That's a lot of things.

>implying rise against is apolitical

>Against Me

Lol they literally started as an acoustic Crass rip off

You kind of missed the point completely

They don't sing explicitly about politics like anti flag or dead kennedys do. Im talking about apolitical in lyrics.

I love the Descendents but that one political song they put out recently is the worst fucking thing they've ever done


>implying I Wanna be a Bear isn't the greatest manifesto on Anarcho-Primitivism contemporary art has managed to produce

It's who they are.


Same can be said for rock music in general since the 60's. It's more then just a punk thing.

enlighten me

You said it was a shitty genre, he said that shitty isn't the same thing as embarassing. Not like it really matters now though. Have a nice day!