Which is Sup Forums?

which is Sup Forums?

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fuck you mods

where is marion?

tfw no femme shoegaze gf

Sup Forums is high stone shit.

Is this the new /shugazi/ thread?

What is that?

tfw high femme

...I don't recognize any of those apart from The Verve.

lurk more.

>alcest that far to the right

Niege is obviously a butch lesbian.


there’s only three good bands here

shoegaze fucking sucks, every band is ride/mbv/slowdive lite

what the fuck does that even mean?

for example if yuo listen to deafhaven you are a maximum sword and skull, and if you listen to MBV you are gun and rose pretty easy to understand tbhphamalan

mazzy star should be in the bottom left

ride should be less sword and more skull, to be honest

sword means that you probably end up letting your sex partner to cut your breasts with a razor
gun means that you gonna shoot yourself in the lack of a femme shoegaze gf

>bardo pond
Which one's shit, friend?

i never thought there'd be any crossover between lesbian meme twitter and Sup Forums. neat.

>radio dept more skull than cocteau twins

all of those that aren’t mbv

twitter/mu funfiction when

Top left: Paladin
Top right: Death Knight
Bottom left: Bard
Bottom right: Necromancer