Is Sup Forums a Bob Dylan board?

It seems like the "soyboy" epidemic has moved Sup Forums away from stuff like Radiohead. The Sup Forums invasion attacks every thread about rap. Yet all I see is constant love for this guy, even though he's Jewish. Why?

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No idea. He's instrumentally uninteresting, his singing is absolute shit, and his lyricism really fails to be emotionally connective. Music critics have shined the rim of his asshole into solid gold purely because they have a retarded bias for political artists, cementing him as an immovable part of the pop canon. And everyone knows you can't shit on the canon without ousting yourself as an absolute tasteless cretin.


no one cares about the political songs, we like the songs about pretty girls and the ones about breaking up with girls especially

The real best folk musician coming through.

nice oxymoron. "contemporary folk" is a retarded meme. A single individual writing a bunch of songs, plastering his personality all over it and cashing in his/her royalties is not "folk" music by any stretch of imagination.

Alright fine. Maybe she's not folk.
She's still better than Dylan.

I was thinking about the chorus to tombstone blues the last time i heard it on the radio.

I was thinking hes not describing the United States, hes describing the Soviet Union.

Really activated my oven

did you know at the height of 60's political hysteria, nixon, assassinations, dylan stopped being political and made a happy country album

he always hated his deification by the press and even went out of the way to alienate his fans a bunch of times

>going electric
>making a christian album
>making a country album

t. actual dummy

This isn't entirely true, Bob Dylan was never really a political artist, he had equal disdain for both radical right and left, he's famous because of his contribution to folk, rock, and country, and though you may not like him, you can't argue he wasn't a massively influential figure in pop music

>Bob Dylan was never really a political artist
And yet that really doesn't matter because that's what he was picked up as by the media and what made him as a cultural icon.

again, not true. His 3 rock albums (none of which are political, mind you) are way more famous and culturally relevant than any of his folk music, he only had really 1 overtly political folk album (The Times They Are a Changin) and then completely subverted that with his next

the media picked up on him being an undeniable genius and successfully creating an American mythology out of foreign parts by tapping into one of the strongest shifts in ideology in american history

t. tasteless cretin

bob dylan was a political hack
>t. only listened to “the times they are a changin”
Listen to my back pages, he basically gives a fuck you to the whole hippie movement a few months later

Yep, his rock and even his nonpolitical folk had a much bigger impact

Basement Tapes is the best Dylan fite me.

Is radiohead not soyboy?

Fuckin half baked junkie whiteboy hangs out wif de negroes for a spell and brings their noble message of peace to the staid white masses, whose minds are immediately blown by a homegrown folk music culture older than their parents and oh so ripe for repurposing.

And thus, virtue signaling gained its first true foothold in the steppes of american faggotry

you fucks are actually hilarious, paul joseph watson cucks