Unkle Adams suicide

thoughts on driving Unkle Adams to suicide through shilling all his accounts with negative content. just curious to see if he'll lil peep himself.

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Don't do that you sick bastard.

what the fuck is wrong with you

please don't make titles like that, OP

Unkle Adams will die before he ever reaches 1 million unless you comment

"I'm gay and retarded"

In this thread

Unk will become hugely popular and influential after he dies a la Ian Curtis, screencap this post

are you 12

>lil peep himself.
lil peep didn't kill himself idiot


At least he didn't drink too

wew at this reddit newfag
he's been /ourguy/ for a while

>On December 8, the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner released details from a toxicology report, certifying the cause of death was an accidental overdose

but that's still killing himself.....

It isn't suicide if there isn't intent, genius. We don't say someone killed themselves when they die in a car crash, even if they got into the car of their own will

>We don't say someone killed themselves when they die in a car crash
some of us do

Well obviously he was in high risk and yet he still said "fuck it" in the screenshot. That's kinda all the evidence you need. The dude was suicidal.

Fantano specifically requested that we don't do this.


fantanus doesn't want to get blamed for the upcoming suicide, that's all

More likely he was just really dumb and cocky. Drug users get very overconfident. I don't think he was suicidal.

fantano's not my dad!

>His lyrics include themes about suicide, drug addiction and abuse, troubles with girls, and relationships.

Yep. Seems pretty suicidal to me.

Solid proof there mate. Please now demonstrate to the court that 95% of rappers have murdered people.

Global rule 4

ok this was an Unkle Adams thread not a Lil' Peep suicide discussion, just believe whatever you want to believe user. I'm gonna continue on with my life instead of arguing about a dead person.

The sincere condescension from Fantano is enough to kill Unk