
Question: What are the greatest symphonic poems ever created?

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. is kill. rip Papillons
>General Folder #3. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #5. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #6. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #7. kill
>General Folder #8. The user who made this loves the yellow piss of DG on his face. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy. There is an accompanying chart, available on request.
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


Svetlanov & Yakushenko

>centenary of the premier of Holsts The Planets this year
Who hype?

>12 tone

pick one

We determined thread before last that 12-tone is music

Music is organised sound, user. So 12 tone is definitely music. ;)

Gonna go with En Saga or Lemminkäinen Suite by Sibelius. Unbelievably imaginative music, they literally sound like poems.

How is it that he never managed to compose anything else worthwile? The Planets is fantastic though.

I've heard a few other pieces of his that I enjoy, but The Planets really does overshadow the rest of his work.




Why wouldn't be music?

im looking for pieces with a lazy relaxed vibe, similar to erik saties once upon a time in paris/gnossiennes or bill evan's Peace Piece

anyone have any suggestions?


This is what Bartok's melodies sound like to me to be desu

Most people picked 12 tone n the poll

Schoenberg in a nutshell



Anutha 1




whats the most underrated piece by your favorite composer?

That's hard to say because my entire favorite composer is underrated

post your favorite pieces then

My favorite composer is Petzold.

the only symphonic poem i know is Poem of extacy by Scrjabin.

Oh, well my favorite piece is not by my favorite composer


Was there a better Frenchman? I nominate this qt as our /Frenchman/, Ravel fags need not apply

>deeply religious
>last true original

and whats your favourite or most under rated piece by him?


That as well too, but I think Faure is the gold standard of the French classical tradition

Minuet in G major BWV Anh. 114

literally who of french music
any frenchman was a better frenchman
even Saint-Saëns

gud mem

bretty good


lmao faggot, Saint fagguette couldn't hold a candle to this qt3.14,

greatest songwriter ever
greatest pianist after Schumann and before Scriabin and Debussy
Chamber music that rivals Brahms
Doesn't sound gay like Saint-Fagguette

A meme piece, but a good one nonetheless, here are better ones

as good or appropriate as sibelius, this says it all

more like serialism

Faure will always be appropriate, All the good things of Romanticism and neither the bad permeate every facet of his music

>All the good things of Romanticism
the only good thing of Romanticism was that it didn't last too long

I beg to differ. Faure is really when French music returns to form and kicks off the essential effete french sound of Debussy, Ravel and Dutilleux.

damn, thanks for sharing

i obviously dont know much him or anyone else for that matter outside of meme pieces im guessing

it lasted longer than any other era, brainlet.

read, That era had a lot of weaknesses but Its gayness isn't as overbearing as the Classical or Baroque

Faure's music is the very opposite of decadent and degenerate

Sounding effeminate doesn't imply its decadent, much less degenerate. Use your words.

Has anyone else noticed that you enjoy pieces best when, your first listen, is a more cleaner sounding performance (70's or 80's maybe even late 60's) then going back and listening to another older lower quality recording (30's or 40's maybe even some 50's) since you know what your hearing rather than your first impression being the mono atmosphere. If that makes sense

dehhhh romentec succcc

>Its gayness isn't as overbearing as the Classical or Baroque
altogether misinformed opinion
all things strictly romantic started with Berlioz and ended with Mahler, there was no further development and the latter's contemporaries ventured into the realm of modernity

>yfw they did such a good job on the box set the CD labels (made to replicate the A side of the original vinyl pressing) even has grooves on it, groves you can feel

All things strictly classical started with Haydn and ended with Mozart. That's an even shorter period.

The Hymns from the Rig Veda are great. I'm singing some of them in class and they're really fun.

>Implying Beethoven (who composed strictly classical pieces in the beginning of his life) wasn't composing classical pieces after Johannes Chrysostomus died

No it didn't, firstly it became stale early on, second, it was the first non-aristocratic style, which meant: the influx of epigones, the decline of composers' quality en masse.

do you think that's why modern classical is so weak, literally anyone from Cage to your brother can now be a serious composer

>implying Rachmaninoff wasn't composing romantic works well into the 20th century

>iMPLYing Im the nigger who said Mahler was the last Romantic
Wrong user nig nog

well, it always has two sides, I think Cage was on the demigod side of it, not on the epigone side
with time it just becomes much harder to discern godhood from dreck, unfortunately that's how the culture operates, untill it reaches a point when everyone drawns in shite, and few remaining heroes create another culture, and the story repeats itself

>implying implications that are so exhausting to list I wont even bother

The point is, any way you slice it Romanticism was by far the most protracted period in the development of western music.

>me and the cucks from /classical/ know it better!!!

Lmao, point at him and laugh.

Wouldn't the modern classical period be the longest, or are you refering to the specific movements in the period. If so I'll agree, but the Modern Classical period has been going on since 1910's (Expressionism correct?)

why wont anyone ask me about my Stravinsky box set :(

I would argue that romanticism is still going with the likes of meme loli and otherwise that postmodernism or the idea of music as text or a vehicle for conceptual performance art took over by the time John Cage came on the scene (tragically abbreviating modernism as a movement). But really music hasn't been monolithic since the turn of the century (that century) to really classify it with any kind of label.

Time for a Schuburst of energy



No, we determined that 12-tone is superior to music.


>not posting superior Schobert


>2 hours into Tristan und Isolde
>still 2 hours left

>still being an operacuck

Your loss.

>he fell for the composer wrote only what was necessary meme

Opera was basically the movie score before movies were a thing. You also don't need to listen to every musical cue in Dr, Zhivago.

>meme loii

Fuck off pedo

anyone have any pieces with a similar feel to this one?



You think of a better moniker for this pontificating little shitter

I was hoping that was going to be Panufnik from the thumbnail


also does anyone have an actual name for this one? i find it hard to believe that it is simply "romance" and not "romance OP.whatever No.whatever" but i suppose i could be wrong

why do you keep memeing this literally who

well, I mostly listen to a modern straight-laced recording to familiarize myself with the piece, and very often when I branch out it's usually older interpretations that interest me the most. not always, though. i don't listen to those recordings because they're in mono, however, but simply because the styles of performance were different back in those days, and, in my mind, vastly superior for certain repertoire.

>you will not be the person to fill Mirga's womb with your seed and begin the process of creating talented and beautiful musician babies
Going to kill myself.

Literally whos can be great composers ya know

Blame conductors for being slow hacks.

But why do you keep forcing a specific composer here? There's thousands of great composers, most of them are unknown, why focus on specific composers like this guy and Petzold?

Composers I've (singlehandedly) brought to /classical/ (whether they've been sucessfully memed or not)


Muh nigga, this is essential literal who-core

The hell are you saying? Everybody knows about Rautavaara, Langaard and Kokkonen. I can make a list bigger than this within seconds.

whats your favorite piece by each of the?

>everyone knows about Kokkonen

Maybe in Finland. But just go ahead and try to find his works on youtube. I had to use the Naxos music library in conjunction with my public library account to even hear his music and what set me off on the trail in the first place was a youtube comment on a Schoenberg work that Kokkonen was a composer of lyrical serialist works.

Rautavaara I was talking about half a decade ago and only discovered because I click random youtube recommendations of literally whos all the time hoping they will impress. I'm sifting through all the crap to bring you the gems.

Of course there are other literally whos (Reicha, Fanelli, Boullanger, Martinu the list goes on) but either I haven't memed them or else the memeing was not by my hand.

You're late faggot

hit me with your best cello pieces

this is one of the worst posts /classical/ has ever seen.

Kokkonen is on torrent trackers. There's also classical music forums, they are great to find obscure composers, you should check them.

>reads youtube comments
>reddit spacing
>mostly modernist trash
>this man has been amongst us for years


I don't torrent. Honestly I have more music than I'll ever listen to as it is and I find I don't often use my personal files when I go to listen to something anyway. But I am interested, what kind of forums are you talking about? I've poked my nose in on a few talkclassical threads but they seem like plebs who take composers like Glass seriously.

Deutscher, Collier, Poly....

I was talking about talkclassical, they may take Glass serious but they also take composers like Sorabji serious. There's great stuff to find there.


All that other stuff aside "reddit spacing" was never a thing. And what I did was just proper paragraphing. The paragraphs just happen to be one line each.

The saviors of western music

new holy trinity

Continue our legacy!

I admire your efforts Sorabjifag. He's just a little on the discursive side for me but I always welcome the addition of unique composers to the discussion. However on that matter I wouldn't know how to evaluate the two you just posted. I tend to filter characteristically romantic composers. I knew about Raff but I wasn't convinced I needed to listen to him after hearing one of his symphonies. Usually my criteria for whether I think a new composer is important is if they sound distinguishable, particularly for their time. Of course there are precious few of these but Sorabji appears to be one. Some I'm kind of on the fence about like pic related.