Why do we hate Tycho exactly?

Why do we hate Tycho exactly?

He makes brotempo music

Because reddit literally jerks him off. And there are substantially better "ambient" artists than him.

post them because tycho is accessible af to me and i want to know

>He makes brotempo music
Literally what the fuck does this mean

Means whoa so chill bro

Because Sup Forums unironically associates certain artists with Chads and hates those artists for it

No chad listens to ambient shit. This kind of shit some fag who walks around with a nintendo DS in there hand listens.

Look at this Chad, Sup Forums so jealous

Gas (particularly pop/konigsforst), tim hecker (love streams is my fav; some like virgins but love streams is more uplifting), boards of canada (im a big fan of geogaddi), lakker (not any particular albums but song for rathlin is a fantastic track I would recommend listening to), ancestral voices (divination is a great album imo, some real spooky shit), emptyset (emptyset and borders are some chilling albums that I would recommend), and finally eomac (definitely listen to bedouin trax; incantation, prayer pt. 1, and jani mun are fantastic tracks that really open up the world of ambient music) Hope this helps :D

nice youtube recommendation-core

recommend better then, faggot

None of that except BoC sounds anything like Tycho

Because I wasn't recommending anything like Tycho. Anything like tycho is bad and you shouldn't listen to it.


Great live I'll tell you that.

Because Sup Forums assumes any music with popular appeal can't also be good by default


Is Sup Forums less contrarian now than ever?

It's definitely less contrarian than when I first knew it like 8 years ago. Although the contrarian wars led to chart threads having stellar recs I'd have never found on my own.

Chart threads these days are purely populated with YouTube recommendation algorithm music. It's not all bad, but the share-pool has become super shallow.

kinda soulless

because he's literally discount BoC

boreds of canada


>actually hating on my bro tycho
good thing i can actually appreciate Tycho and REAL ambient like Cluster

tycho is good study music

he means down tempo inspired music made for weed smoking college bros. IK it exists but tycho is cool and Sup Forums is too hipster to admit it

I haven't never listened to him, but I'm sure I have listened to it already
It's "studying music" chilltronica isn't it?
It's not hateable anyway, because that implies leaving an impression

Personally liked Past is Prologue but everything after that just seems so bland. Literally hasn't even tried to change anything about his sound.