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amazing monday



a) Chuucks


b) Chuudes




So do we have to wait two and a half weeks to see the final member of Loona?

Chuucks, obviously

chuudes is too close to chode
chuucks is retarded

did i just stumble into loonapop general by mistake

just ignore him...


more choerry
post your chuu folder

kpop is loona
loona is kpop


i wanna bust on momo's fit tummy


we are proud chuucks

could you guys handle drinking almost every other night with coworkers? it's a huge part of their working culture over there in south korea. i could never do that

I want to get the back catalogue of the magazine Vivi used to work for.

no shit kpg is full of autists with no social skills most posters here prob dont even have jobs

Okay open your rice is a good song

post rare Vivis

chuucks? Is that pronounced like Fuucks?

why wouldn't you?
just remember to drink water when you drink alcohol so you don't dehydrate, and don't drink hero doses.
That's literally all there is to it, you'll never feel sick

t r u s t
c h i n a

chuuckpop general

what is your favorite loona b-side?

why are you trying to bully away new loonatics by pushing the idea of "sufficient picture quantities"


i could probably hang with it, i wouldn't drink too many shots of soju tho, that stuff is pretty strong for how much they drink of it.

>every other night
I drink every day

I wanna lick it up after you're done

why? so they can backstab their "brothers/sisters" with a knife and run off back to their homeland because the only way to get any global recognition as a chinese is to participate in kpop? no thanks

You didn't get the message? ViVi is our favorite China girl now.

why are you falseflagging
take care of yourself, user

kpg im scared

Found the EXO shitter.

come and dream a dream gurr

>poison of choice is literally one of the worst drugs in existence

thinking about fromis

how come nobody cares about c-pop?? i just dont understand

so, uh, how's the wuju comeback doing?

i'm legit scared to check the charts because the day before they were like #60 or something but i hope they're slaying now

Honestly, the new WJSN song isn't that bad. You just have to turn up the volume really high. They kinda did a bad job on the production. They should've made the instrumentals louder. The instrumentals are the high point of the song.

name one thing wrong in my post. you know all of its true

Chuu can fucking get it.

vivi will probably ruin loona

damn, loonabros have been running this shit all day

have you ever listened to cpop

mandarin is a disgusting language

why listen to copycat-pop when you can listen to the real thing?

vivi cry is good becuase she its ugly

c-pop is full of uggos and unbelievably shitty music with a shit language.

vivi is vital to the team

why is this picture so good
can you tell me?

you should listen to c-pop. i made that mistake once. never again

Please stop with the infighting. All Loona members are great and none of them will tarnish the group

I'm currently nursing a drink myself


I'm sorry that I don't fit your expectations of a proper fan. I do try my best to support the group and its members every day here. I may not have very many pictures but I do try my best to start discussions about Loona and Chuu. I hope that one day you finally give me some acceptance, despite not being someone you find palatable
That said, I know that many other loona posters are sure to grab every single new picture available and post them. I thank you all for your work

because all the good chinese idols flock to korea because it really is the only way to get any global recognition and fans. nobody outside of china gives a fuck about c-pop


>i hope they're slaying now

#DreamYourDream #WJSN - 1,798 (6,837) (2 Day)
they're not even on melon too

you clearly don't come here at twice hours
give it ~2~3 hours, gaypops and loona go away and choacuck and other shitters come here to talk shit at others and among themselves

except vivi that uggo chinese escort

this but unironically

Because Cpop is just an imitation of Jpop or Kpop. Why not go for the real thing? There's a reason why the biggest Cpops in China are (a) a copy of AKB48, and (b) ex-members of Kpop groups. Also, Cpop lacks the quirkiness of Jpop or the perfectionism of Kpop. Lastly, Mandarin is hard on the ears.

I'm writing a paper that might decide my future. Kpop for this feel?


this is one of those webms that gets faster the longer you watch it

vivi is not, and has never been, an escort you FUCKING retard

i just wanted to post some soft chengs

fuck i HATE it when loonashitters pretend to be civil and actually contribute here

they are literally the worst people in kpg and unlike twiceshitters their group is fucking ugly especially that chink

he broke his arm



on what subject?

>loona posting starts
>gaypopshitters suddenly dissapear


So i fell for the exo meme a while ago and now I think im falling for the nctu meme

Shut your mouth.

i love the "x starts, y stops" meme

I'm actually so sad
I don't even know why they're flopping
I mean the song is a bit boring but surely they're not even facing much competition atm???

were you here last summer to fall for the nct 127 meme? they're better than nct u

she works so hard for these, and then the judges deliberately fuck her over because she's so much better than the other girls

Vivi joayo


There is currently a targeted effort to smear and slander Loonaposters.


Especially when it concerns gaypop. It is common knowledge that gaypop is an American daytime hours occurence. Late night gaypop is practically non-existent

how the economy on my country is doing and what are my predictions for the short and long term

something like that

uhh what?

bowling ball head

Dude, shut the hell up. Nobody talks shit about LOONA (and lives).

the sad thing is that akimoto actually started an AKB sister group in china until they started making more groups without permission. (big surprise)

i like how all the groups started without permission all end in "48" and they claim it has nothing to do with AKB48 LMAO

it's time for cub club to attack

hows seola doing on the charts

it seems to have started soon after yves and chuu. it's quite unfortunate

she fucked up some good moments of her performance tho
but she has the potential yes, just not the time to dedicate herself entirely to idol olympics


>I don't even know why they're flopping
the ioi hype is officially dead
gugudan, weki meki, and now them are doing really bad


it is like that for a while now
as long as loonabros ignore the shitters everything will be OK

word. except vivi that chinese turbouggo. talk about ruining a potential all korean group