How do we fix the Mexicunt problem?

How do we fix the Mexicunt problem?

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At this point the Mexicans are fixing the Americunt problem

But according to his own government he is white

Making tacos and being lazy isn't exactly a white thing though.

>looks the same as Charlottesville whites
Damn you, damn you to hell

Aztecs worked themselves to exhaustion and gluttony was punished with death, most native Americans had similar customs, it was Saniards who intrduced siestas

I fully welcome and endorse the complete Hispanisation of North and South Americas. A Latino Catholic West and a Slavic Orthodox East is the future of this planet.

Now see where that got you.


wtf I hate chicanos even more now

My bed?

Looks like a cool guy desu

>tfw no CHI bf to make fun of whites on twitter with

Deportation without representation.


he looks like George Zimmerman

Funny thing is the average nigger would think he's a white boi and fuck him up his ass in prison or gun him down on the streets


now why exactly do you have to use the n word?

>uses latinx
hell probably steal the mcdonalds cashier job since he probably did some humanities shit

But OP, if you made him wear white khaki pants, and a white polo shirt, and a meme redcap, he'd fit in right with the boys who were in Virginia last Saturday celebrating their European heritage.

He is actually one of the lightest ones. The average ones are probably white for niggers too.

>butthurt wh*Tey posts again
Mad that while you shitpost on Sup Forums, he will be fucking your crush and making 6 figures a year?

t. sopa de macaco cook

Most M*xicans, no matter how white they may be, want anything to do with the word white. They all think they're Mexica nobility and that the ebil Spaniards did everything wrong.

meant to quote

im sorry pedro learning about history and philosphy wont take you anywhere

Yeah, he looks white

wtf I love chicanos even more now

you can tell he's hispanic


>useless humanities degree beaner
>6 figures


t. zhang

Niggers thought George Zimmerman was white, and this guy has lighter skin than Zimmerman

he's not saying he doesn't look hispanic, he's saying black people can't tell the difference, which is correct considering this man was the embodiment of racist white men to them for like two whole years

George Zimmerman is an honorary Aryan.

if spaniards did something right why is mexico so undeveloped and corrupt and more importantly, why is the rest of latin america so backwards too?

Mexico does have a better living standard than China or Russia, it's a middle class country, so are all the large Latin American nations.

as for corruption we'd bring that under control fast enough if you people did actually stop consuming drugs.

better living standard based on what? GDP per capita? HDI? I think Mexico is only better than China on those measures but China's GDP per capita will surpass Mexico's because their growth rate is higher.

>graduates with BA in Latin American Studies

your hero also likes to pretend he's white so he got just what he wanted

More liberties than Russia, more consumer products/market choices, far higher life expectancy, etc It's not that Russia is that far ahead of Mexico in either indicator.

Mexican minimum wage lost 70% of its purchasing power since signing NAFTA, one of the ´points in the re-negotiation is to increase wages so competition becomes more level with the US, it's a lot easier to eal with problems modernizing Mexico than China moving forward on just scale so your prediction on GDP per capita is a bit biased.

> Monroe doctrine
> Self preservation before common good
> Druglords
> Civil wars,
> Etc, etc, etc.

The last time my country stand againts your country, the Usa navy run away by the posibility of losing all the pacific coast and the entire navy in the pacific ocean.

6 years later, the perfidous albión (bongs) provoked a civil war here

> divide and conquer

[WALL] *insert lenny face here* [WALL]

Now, i return to hugs and kisses

dunno man, we don't have drug cartel wars here

hmmm, starting to think mexicans are the most ungrateful/shitty immigrants on the globe. Strange because the ones with actual mexican flags on Sup Forums seem nice.

Shut the fuck up

>look at how I'm proud of my European heritage
>w-wait a second why are these people proud of their spic heritage?

Really makes you think...

I doubt Trump would allow a rewrite of NAFTA that is more beneficial to Mexico and detrimental to multinational corporations. I think Mexico would be better off leaving NAFTA and simply trading more with Asia and the rest of Latin America but I don't live in Mexico so I don't really know.

looks whiter than Zimmerman.

Post more pls

It's in the best interest of multinationals to turn Mexico into a consumer market, plus they do realize leaving the nation to go under means profits take a hit, even if negotiations fail Mexicop is bound for a boost after some period of turmoil. As for the drug war it either gets better within the next decade or we'll have a revolution, things are as close to hitting button as they can get.

And yet you kill yourselves in larger numbers on alcoholism alone, same thing with the gringos and drugs, a lot of these figures can be misleading on isolation.

*hitting bottom

You only get to steal jobs if you actually work illegally, off the books for some shit company, so your employer doesn't have to pay taxes and all that on you.

of that guy? or others?

It doesn't look like Mexico is a consumer nation but rather a producer nation. As you said, wages have lost a lot of their value and that's not exactly a bad thing if your country relies on exports, but at some point in time those wages need to rise so consumer can afford products produced by themselves and by other countries.

Trump wants to eliminate the deficit between Mexico and the US and the deficit between the US and other countries around the world but the only way that can be beneficial to Mexico is if wages do rise so that Mexicans can buy products produced in the US or Canada.

I guess the only thing I can see is that we just need to wait and see what happens with NAFTA

Fucking chicanos man.

Fuggg. Both are okay but prefer more like this one and the one before. Are they all CHI's?

Most CHIs major in stupid ass shit like photography in Cali anyway

t. Real American Chi majoring in math

Damn his gf is hideous.

All you had to do was fix your economy

>Behold my Mexican heritage!
>No way I'm not moving to Mexico!

that's not his GF. he's gay lol.

I think the two you mentioned are Mexican

My gf does this and it's getting harder for me not to laugh at the ridiculousness

>tfw puerto ricans do this
>literally legal chicanos

what is this meme and why do people butcher vocabulary with this shit

What's the "X" for??

I see no problem here. The guy is making fun of the people who believe those stereotypes.

No one cares lad

gender neutrality cause it's misogynistic or something

>tfw user doesn't post more hot CHI's

I think they use latinx to include both genders in Spanish, most sjw here use an "@" though.
I don't know why they say "Xicanos", the "x" isn't pronounced as "ch" in any Spanish word.

Wow. This post depressed me.

what the other user said, but the xicano thing is just a mexican thing, a retarded way of spelling it


it's a dumb chicano meme


>ywn be latinx

What the fuck is this bullshit?

The X is meant to allude to the "sh" sound in a joking way probably


Why are Puerto Rican so rude to Mexicans?



Notice how this kind of shit seems to be uniquely Mexican/Chicano. This is why the rest of hispanics hate to be grouped up with these faggots.

What's the deal with this girl? Is her face just randomly pasted onto other Mexican girls or are they actually all real?
Feeling's mutual :^)

and yet those other latinos happily receive benefits from those latino/hispanic scholarships and policies created by mexican american organizations 50 years ago. if they really hate it they can ask the government to give them their own box to tick on the census.

we are? really?
I love mexicans and most normies here have watched at least one telenovela and el chavo
I also know about the mexican youtube scene for some stupid reason
I have barely ever seen any discrimination torwards mexicans here

>a lot

I never received any of your beaner bucks. Fuck off.

>pic related

i wasn't talking about you specifically.



>This is why the rest of hispanics hate to be grouped up with these faggots.
I never noticed this t b h and I hang around a lot of central and south americans

We don't take siestas, tho.
I thought only Spaniards did this.

How do we fix the Chicano problem? Mexicans are awesome, its their left wing spawn thats the fucking problem.

Fuck Chicanos.

They're traditional in some states man, come on

wtf I love CHI's now
Maybe in your shithole state. I bet you're from the North.


The only time I ever heard about someone taking siestas was from really old people desu. I think not even Spaniards do this, but instead, they have a really long break (3 hours) for lunch.


wtf I love CHI's now
Maybe in your shithole state. I bet you're from the South.

ok bye goodnight

Don't start with that tripe man

Yes because you're no acquainted with rural Mexico, obviously habits have changed for urban city dwelers

Night night :3

Trust me, no you don't. They don't speak Spanish but claim they do and half of them have never even been to Mexico. They are wanna be Mexicans.

I'm aware of rural habits, but they usually don't sleep, they just wake up really early to work in the fields (from 4am to 10am- before the sun comes out in full force), and once the sun comes out fully they go back inside their homes and/or town to drink and play cards, as it's fucking imposible to work in the fields with 40°C in the direct sunlight; then they go back to work once the sun calms down a bit.