How are you preparing for the Asian century?


spending my free time on Sup Forums mostly

by beeing myself

Im not
Since its going to be the African century


Ready for defending western borderds.

By jerking off to Asian girls who sit next to me in class.

Never seen an Asian in my life.

Getting Asian gf

Even if the Asian century is a thing (it's not), Thailand won't be a part of it.

pls send an asian gf

Thailand is the natural leader of a united SEA though, lets be honest.

Why are you so anti-Asian?

white piggu go home

these 3 to be quite frank with you all

that's singapore

how is this ebin possiboo

United SEA will never be a thing within our lifetimes.

Its not something w*tey could understand

china is over
japan is over
korea is over

by seeing our women getting WHITED and being a cuckslave to the autistic pinkdicks

t. Uncle Chan

White Power! Heil Hitler! Yamato Dmashii!

>coup every 5 years
>uniting anyone

Getting some reading in

producing hapas

lol what, it would be singapore (indirectly China) or Indonesia/Malaysia

i was unironically studying chinese right now
making progress
very slowly but ill eventually get there

Zookeeping hundreds of dogs as an offering of good faith.

dont thais get cucked by chinese/chinese thais in their in own country?

Why american so stupid?

havent wh*te bois been writing books about the down fall of china and east since the eighties?

Who is she?

It's not a book about the downfall of China. It's a book about the structural challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.

You should check it out, it's quite good. Gives you an appreciation for the different economic and political cultures that exist in the region.


might do that friendo

>tfw actual human beings can provide the uncanny valley effect

Asians confirmed for machinery

>same thread every fucking day by the same person

You mean the Muslim century ?

Fan BingBing

Thailand has already dominated the political, economic and entertainment industries by ethnic Chinese.
