Would you fight for your country?

Would you fight for your country?

nah, the only thing I'd fight to protect is my family

R A R E F A G haha yes you haha

No. I'd fight for Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway or Iceland tho.

i would and i will

Denmark isn't rare

>fight for your country?
You mean fight for some old rich faggots to settle their differences? Fuck that, modern wars are bullshit and not worth it.

I'd fight to have Meiling hold my hand

I'd kill myself immediately if it meant going to Gensokyo.


I'd fight to be you bf


are we allowed regimental waifus?


No, both Palestine and Jordan are not worth fighting for. Except if it was attacked by the US then yes I would fight

Only if we are attacked.

you will be assigned as one

what if you attack yourself?

by attacking usa burgers mean refusing to give them oil, refusing to obey them, having nukes for self-defense etc

When I was 20, yes. After witnessing the shit that's been happening here and the mind control from involuntary military service wearing off, I can honestly say that I wouldn't defend this shit country anymore.

This is our 100th anniversary, and the government decided to splooge 15 million euros on various events and things to celebrate, which use a committee will decide. A winter and continuation war veteran organization asked for 2000 euros so they'd be able to offer coffee and some pastries in their event to for veterans and their close family to celebrate the 100th year of independence, but the committee said no. They spent 30 000 euros (or was it 300 000?) on a "coding bus" that tours some African countries and teaches niggers to do code.
Other things that GOT funding were "re-definition of Finnishness on a multicultural stage" and "Feminism in Finland". Fuck this country, fuck the people in power and, apparently, fuck everything that used to be Finland.

>What inspires me, is teaching African refugees how to program Javascript.

Maybe even for Ireland and Spain

fuck no. my country is a joke.

The actual question is would my country let me fight for them?


>dying in a ditch for some rich politicians that dont care for your nation and only care for thier own fame and fortune.

i rather go to jail or cut my own thumbs than go to war.


we have the same sets