Does Disney hate Slavs or something?

Does Disney hate Slavs or something?

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Everyone hates Slavs

There an American company
Do you expect them to use R*ssians or former C*mmie countries?

Monsters Inc. had a scene in Siberia

>What is Anastasia

Didn't they make one about Anastasia, the Russian princess? I can't remember if it was from Disney.

i really want to see how disnefied version of this would looks like

He was an a*glo

That was 20th Century Fox

Disney is kids show. They don't want to make evil people look good.

I would swear it was a Disney movie

Completely this

Yeah that's why there isn't one about japs either

They used most of the world so far, even Polynesia has a Disney princess.

Common mistake.

Now that I think of it, there are no Jews in Disney movies either, hmm...

>Sleeping beauty

yet two about Germany
Thank you America


Americans care only about Eastern Europe when Jews are involved.

Saw this film loads when I was a kid, it's pretty messed up looking back on it.

If Disney ever made a movie in Slavic lands you know it'd have token niggers for the wewuz crowd. In turn it'd piss off the historically literate or culturally invested people etc etc.


Hawaii used to be a part of polynesia
Polynesia is more apart of American history than Persia, or any other "empire" excluding Rome and the other European ones, and Japan.


Yeah just like Frozen.

God stormniggers are retarded.

What do the colors represent?

Niggers were in the crowd of frozen.


How white each country is.
Blue = most white
Green = not even human

It was written by Charles Perrault, and then plagiarized by the Grimms. Yes it's french.

What the fuck are you sperging about?

>has one of their best characters from China
>none from Japan

Hawaii was its own kingdom. You're referring to the Polynesian triangle which doesn't just stop at Hawaii and extends all the way to Easter Island off the coast of South America. Culturally, Hawaii is still part of that region today. Politically, it was never part of a "Polynesian" polity because such a thing never existed and the term Polynesia itself was invented by Europeans to describe the islands they explored rather then an eye toward states or cultures.

Moana is set in Tu'i Tonga era if I'm not mistaken, meaning it had nothing to do with the USA.

where does esmeralda go?

She's a gypsie not a slav and her story takes place in france or some shit

yeh but ur a fgt

No it's just that Slavs are irrelevant and have no history


Where fuck is the Atlantis movie supposed to be in your chart?

it's pointing east of Malta

reported to Merkel Gestapo

She's supposed to be an adopted/kidnapped French girl raised by Gypsies even though Disney made her brown like a Gypsy yet with light eyes.


The eastern med?

en france

Wasn't Anastasia a Disney film?



>Disney's Pinocchio
Everything looks German as fuck in that movie

Mediterraneans actually had ancient civilizations unlike the Bahamas

She is a French girl kidnapped by gyppos

Aladdin actually takes place in Uyguristan which is in Western China.

Such as?

The town looks like a typical Italian small Italian town

Nope, it was by Don Bluth while he was at Fox

You really must be a shitskin migrant in Italy if you don't know pinocchio is Italian.

why is she so brown then

The clothing everyone wears, even the town has more of an Austrian architecture with the sloping roofs and all
>American reading comprehension

French can get really tanned

>Little Mermaid is Puerto Rican

Yeah ok you wanna know the truth?

Disney back then was really fucking racist and only pure "Aryan" were depicted, italians were considered lesser mongrels, that's why they went with that architecture

Slavs are notoriously anti-semitic

Another company that hates Sweden for no reason

>bullied finns for centuries
>for no reason

>what is the Deluge

>Getting this defensive over a cartoon.

Bitch, Atlantis (real or not) took place in the Atlantic.

The water of the Atlantic Ocean raised in sea level from the melted caps in the Ice Age.

Bahamas is even so shallow/under sea level you can see landmass submerged under water, that's the reason for the light blue waters shown a Satellite map and you could walk from Island to Island when the water is shallow enough in the Exumas. That's why we were given the name Baja Mar/ Bahama.

There has even been artifacts found underwater off the between Cuba and Bahamas. Probably even troll.

And weird shit happens in the Bermuda triangle.



Author of the map claims that Little Mermaid features tropic wildlife and might be located on a Danish colony, although the original non-Disney tale places it in Denmark.




Nice trips.

Unironically good song, by the way.

Egypt wuz kangz
Atlantis wuz kangz
Kangz wuz in war wiz each other
Isn't Blacks have a first law: Ape Shall Never Kill Ape????

Bahamas cool tho

I know, I was just pointing out that saying that Disney's Pinocchio is set in Italy is just wrong as saying that Disney's Aladdin is set in China



>one Asian

>No black African

Diney doesn't seem very multi cultural to me

I'm just saying Atlantis took place in the Atlantic and not the Mediterranean sea if it was real and I don't claim to be descendants of Atlantis people. I'm fully aware of my English and West African admixture.

I don't even know why you brought up Egypt.


I didn't remember what was a goal of Atlantis in Mediterranean region (Thought that was Egypt). Checked, that was Athens.
I believe African Scholars have already claimed Ancient Greek (especially 9kBC Greeks) as undoubtedly Black.

we had a Croatian cartoon "Šegrt Hlapić"
It was an adaptation of one of the most famous Croatian works.

>the main character is a Croatian boy in the books
>the main character IS A FUCKING RAT IN THE CARTOON

He said Black African, not African-American.

Cr*ats BTFO

How will Cro*tia ever recover