Anyone hear this?

Anyone hear this?
Is it really THAT good?

Other urls found in this thread:

i really wish u 15 yr olds who watch his videos for once. actually formed your own opinions and listen to the albums he posts

dumbass Fantanodrone.

sooo youre saying its good?

Its good so far

I think he's making a funnie that if fantano likes it it's shit

In the time it takes you to watch a 20 minute video of a Sup Forumstant with a webcam use purple prose to talk about the latest flavor of the month, you could actually listen to it and draw your own conclusions. You don't even need to watch his shit for recommendations either. - just look at the catalog if you want to get clued in to the new 6/10 project that's getting circlejerked. As useless as TryHard Hipster is to this board, when he's right he's right.

I'm sure the album is fine but it was rolled out in the most gimmicky way I've seen a while. Always be wary of shit like that.

>it was rolled out in the most gimmicky way I've seen a while
how was it rolled out?

Just saw this. On the 4th track now.
That opening was from another world.

I love everything Nicolas Jaar had made, Sirens is one of the best albums of the decade for sure.

I pray that he does another North American tour with this.

posting more Jaar:

it's good but I wouldn't quite say it's a 9

I'm not in the "tripfags are shit" meme but GOOD FUCKING GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY



listen to the full mix on youtube where the tracks actually mesh into each other. this is just an release for the sake of putting the tracks out there. its just a compilation album

He’s right though

>the latest flavor of the month

Jaar's been relevant for nearly a decade dude

I don't listen to bleeps. No matter what to might think, making bleeping and boingy sounds on a computer is not music.

fuck you

Imagine being this much of a brainlet
O im laffin

neither is hip hop

first A.A.L. was real good, haven't heard the NEW ONE though

why is it that everyone praising this doesn't actually listen to house music

Listening to it right now, I'm loving it

That's not the point. See

>that Kanye sample in Such a Bad Way
the mad man

okay grandpa

why do you assume that?

name 5 good house albums

Daft Punk - Human After All
Justice - Woman
deadmau5 - random album name
Daft Punk - Alive 1997
Jon Hopkins - Immunity

go away douchebag nobody likes you here u know how i know you;re a blind newfag, you cant even see that people hate tripfags, or maybe you do. you knowingly embrace an antagonistic public position on an ANONYMOUS FORUM you're so fucking starved for attention in your day to day life that you need to be known on an anonymous fucking board on the internet it must be exhausting to be you

fuck you cunt, you stupid ass. jesus im gonna eat a bag of dog shit i'm so pissed right now

Please lose weight

>didn't realize my father Nicolas Jaar released a new album until fucking melon meme's review got spammed here
i'm pathetic

City Fade is a great song
Some Kind of Game and Hopeless are good songs
Rest is just a bunch boring uninspired mediocrity
6/10 at best overall

this is incredible, easily a top 20 house album for this year so far

what are the other 19?

>house albums
trick question. anyone who gives a fuck about house in the slightest would never use albums as a metric. try labels or producers

this comp is wholly unremarkable and Sup Forums are a bunch of clueless pardners

Is taking low quality bait cool with the kids nowadays?

circumsize yerself

two daft punk m8 thats cheating

>not animals as leaders


>that downtempo "Some Kind of Game" mix at 56 min

Fennec - R.I.P City
Folamour - Oyabun
Lxury - Into The Everywhere
Project Pablo - I Want to Believe
VAPERROR - Acid Arcadia

Ignore this fag he's an entry-level house nigg4r

I saw it on RYM but it didn't have a cover or track listing so I assumed it wasn't released yet, such a shame

Animals As Leaders is trash.

I haven't listened to the album but who are you and why are you so damaged by music critics on the internet lol
So what if fantano is just a lightning rod for people's opinions on music. How does this affect you or any of your favourite artists

>woman but not cross

Animals as leaders isn't good


Anyone got a flac download for this?

You sound like a faggot tbqh

he is a faggot tbqh

Oh at least this is not politically charged hip-hop.
SION is still his best btw

>R.I.P. City

Fucking great album.