Worst instrument of all time. What's the fucking point

Worst instrument of all time. What's the fucking point.

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impressing chicks ...you'd get it if you weren't such a raging faggot ya faggot.

>the most neckbeard instrument of all time
>impressing anyone

that's a funny looking cowbell

To play the low end in a guitar-based band.

literally the most important instrument of the last 80 years
it changed everything

imagine being this dense

>What's the fucking point.
Playing music?

The only people who play bass are niggers and nu-males who are intimidated by real guitar.

Name some good songs without bass that aren't just piano-vocals or guitar-vocals

Beethoven's ninth

go back to Sup Forums

i know this is a bait thread, but i play the bass because the guitar sound feels too weak, and also the guitar market is way oversaturated, the only way to get a gig as a guitarist is to make your own band, while i am currently in 3 bands and i've been asked to join another 2

Oh, I thought the pic was an electric guitar. But wtf you nigger someone has to play bass

happy 2016 everyone!


this bassline tho

g8 b8 m8 r8 8 out of 8.

trips of truth
ive only ever heard bassists say that it's the most important instrument with no reasons to back it up, but what you said made sense

fuck off back to Sup Forums, kid

fucking Bernard Edwards was the absolute best.
all the best defer to him.

he doesn't get enough love


nevermind misread that

fucking nice

Why do people pretend they can hear bass?

How rotten do your ears have to be for you to say that?

Only patricians like myself can

holy fucking shit boys
triple trips

bass is so shit it is nowhere near as hard as uhhh whacking sticks on a drum or uhhh pressing down a key on a piano

no technique baka garbage instrument

Bass is the best. The only people who don't like it are low t numales who listen to indie rock or some other crap.

>What's the fucking point.
OP truly was a faggot

>OP has never heard of.........
>Ian "Lemmy" Kilminster
>Bootsy Collins
>John Entwhistle
>Phil Lesh
>Geddy Lee
>Gordon Sumner AKA "Sting"
>Les Claypool
>Paul McCartney
>Mike Watt

Bass is fucking good OP is a pleb.

wow people are actually falling for this troll?


lemmy plays bass like a guitar anyways

this rips



There’s actually a bit of veracity in OP’s shitposting.

The upright bass is the most important part of a jazz combo, and any jazz musician will tell you that. Sometimes it is taken out, like in a guitar-drums-piano trio, or a Gerry Mulligan sort of group, but it’s so useful in that it allows pianists to play rootless voicings.

In rock music, it has been very important. I mean - I don’t even know what to tell you here - every band has a bass guitar.

But in the 21st century, it might be outdated. A solo bass player would have to be as good as Jaco to get even a lick of attention, and that just isn’t going to happen. While the bass used to be that low end, anything you do electronically can now take its place.


Bobby Sheehan was a terribly underrated bassist.


