
Libertarian edition

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GAA Girls assemble!

Bad ideology desu.

>the same faggots who're bandwagoning about white supremacists and Nazis overrunning the US because of some mentaller running over Antifa in a car are taking to Twitter in their droves saying #NotAllMuslims after one more is added to the tally of a long line of Islamic extremist van attacks

really makes you think lads

Are Kilkenny Ancap?

Galway has a nice jersey.

Makes me think alright.


Makes perfect sense.
There is NO pattern here, but one alt-right incident and the US goes 9/10 of the way to removing the first amendment.

Sharon Ní Bheoláin has stumbled her words so many times tonight.


>So we're uploading pics of cats to don't give info to terrorists

Misinformation and distraction is how they respond to news that threatens their group narrative.
The pleb footsoldiers of the regime are agents of its perpetuation thanks to social media. None of them can see through anything.

Have any of you seen the interviews for selecting the jury for Martin Shkreli? It's a lesson in democracy.


Why are normalfags so retarded when it comes to reacting to incidents like this?

>wearing clothes after coming out of the dryer

>having a dryer
>not putting your washing on the line or the rad


Need a quick rundown on howth

The confederate statue stuff is getting really concerning, why does 1 incident make people feel entitled to tear down history like that? It'd be like people in this country burning and razing anything related to the IRA.

>not doing all three

>not seeing that Irish and Americans need to stick together due to our history of rebelling against the British
Sasanaigh amach

>Condemn all violence
>Be called worse than Hitler

>did dna test
>74% irish


The leaves are at it again lads

Oy vey, how dare he let the goyim know that communists are violent.

>being Irish is sh-

>Radical Muslim Extremists are not Muslim
Really stimulates the almonds.

Today I will remind them

Nah, it would be more like tearing down everything to do with the Catholic church. The Anglo-liberal-prot elites always hated Catholicism just like they always hated the CSA, and hate the traditional culture of both Ireland and the American south.

Tearing down the (original) IRA would be like tearing down everything to do with the American revolution. It's not politically profitable, so all they'll do before they have absolute control of all media space (including person-to-person discussion, stasi-style) is ignore it, or gaslight it.
>America was always multiracial
>America never allowed hate speech
>Celts haven't been in Ireland for a thousand years
.>Irish nationalism has always been prot-led atheist liberalism

If you mean post-30s IRA, that's already persona non grata, even for the Sinn Fein wasters.

Some of these blue checkmark types seem so stupid and ignorant that they're literally unaware that the left was ever behind totalitarianism. In the case of the big names like Stalin they'll write it off as "right wing nationalism" instead of leftism.
EXTREME nepotism and ideological well-poisoning seem to be behind much of the collapse of the intellectual control of the elite in America. Or else it's the speed and information availability of the internet that's collapsing the ability to choke information processing that existed in the past.

13 dead and the Liberal media is emphasising how everyone is back on the streets and eating in the restaurants, who cares there are 13 dead bloody bodies laying int eh street down the road, murdered at the hands of MUSLIMS again!

The reason the liberal media does that is to try and play down the reality of what ISLAM is doing. They do this every month now! Trying to normalise it. Imagine if it was a NEO NAZI that did this every week! The MEDIA WOULD BE GOING CRAZY! The media has become the number one ENEMY OF THE WORLD!

Don't forget that Stalin was the nicest leader in history while simultaneously not practicing real Communism.

That would work if the yanks weren't shit at hating the brits.
>sign an alliance with the French after revolution
>never honour it
>become better partners with the brits they rebelled against


The globalists are intentionally flooding western countries with muslims and other 3rd world immigrants to destroy national identities. Their goal is a one world government in which all of us are their slaves. The election of Trump was a major setback for them.

The French had an awful habit of not honouring alliances to be fair.

>people were murdered on the streets by Muslims
>lets go for a laugh and a chat in the pub

Wonder what religion he is? Could be any of them...... Chinese Buddhist perhaps?

Harrowing stuff in Barcelona, lads. I've reached out to Josie for an official statement on today's attack.

Definitely Anglican.

You get it. Few do. That's why Obama was here, to create ISIS to create fake manufactured refugees ---- seeds of Islam if you will.

Obviously a white supremacist.

>reminder that the liberal western elite LITERALLY created ISIS and the Saudi-led Muslim resurgence

Why was the expectation the other day to condemn white nationalists only but today the media and libcucks will encourage us to see all sides rather than to outright condemn islam and the muslim people?
Isn't #notallmuslims basically the same thing as what Trump said in terms of not apportioning blame to an ideology for an individuals actions?

Yet lefties like to blame "right wing warhawks" for causing "innocent Muslims" to lash out by means of terrorist attacks.


>leftists being hypocrites
Quelle Surprise.

Rhetorical backflips as bad as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact are par for the course literally from day to day. Orwell was wrong in making time-based predictions about what society would be like, but his famous points about language and lying will probably always have relevance.

Even if that were true, the solution of keeping the Muslims out prevents all of that.

How can they be selfish if they're doing it for the good of the future worldwide caliphate?

>Sky News blurring aftermath of attack
>RTÉ barely showing any footage of the aftermath
Anybody else think that this nerfs the impact of terrorists on people who didn't witness the attack and its aftermath in person? We clearly don't take these attacks as seriously as we should in Europe, and I think the fact that the media coddles us in this regard may be part of the problem.

>awaiting the day that Europe finally says "ENOUGH" to these terrorist attacks
>mfw I realise that this will never happen due to all the left-wingers

He’s a dick

>this meme is still going

>terrorists are selfish
>killing yourself and/or suffering greatly for what you believe to be an external, eternal cause is selfish
"Selfish" is their go-to word because breaking the quotidian fish-tank world the average basic-bitch liberal is felt most viscerally by them, and felt as a personal attack on them. In their minds, telling a tranny they can't change their gender, or telling a hoor she can't murder her child to get out of her self-made consequences, is the same as murdering holidaygoers en masse, because it breaks the illusion of peaceful life as holy and heaven-like.

I think the "raise an animal from birth and then kill it" thing that pops up as OMG so evil in comfy liberal canon might actually be good for people. It was par for the course in old times anyway, though perhaps not with animals as close and as intelligent as puppies or kittens. Chickens, lambs, cows and pigs died all around children in the past.

The globalist agenda needs to ensure it's a smooth transition.

Weren't people making the argument before that the media should report on terrorist attacks less, so it doesn't give publicity and fame to the perpetrators?
Sort of like not replying to AA in here.

If you show the impact of terrorism but minimise the focus on the terrorists themselves, you can achieve the same goal while ensuring that people are not blinkered to the realities of modern terrorism. Yes the terrorists were Muslim, yes they were motivated by their religious beliefs, yes they were absolute pieces of shit. That's all we need to know, except the modern media seem to think we need to know every single detail about their lives and have their ugly faces on our screens 24/7 for weeks after the attacks.

Please give me all the attention I crave. Without it I'm worthless.

smashed bluewolf's head off a wall again lads

>Pretending to be me.

>capitalising the word at the start of a green text



Such is the abject cuckery of Dhimmitude and IslamoFascist Stockholm Syndrome.

I'm phoneposting.

Would fucking destroy the one from Can't cope, won't cope lads

Stop watching shit TV.

>Extremist Christian will go on an anti-abortion march and go home and pray for sinners.

>Extremist Buddhist will meditate too much.

>Extremist Hindu might shoot you if you try and eat his cow.

>Extremist Muslim will kill gay people, stone women to death for sex outside marriage, kill fellow Muslims for leaving the religion, murder writers & cartoonists for so called blasphemy and believe that deliberately killing non Muslims or the wrong kind of Muslims (Ahmadi, Sufis) is a requirement of their faith or for the moderate extremists just sometimes justifiable.

Why is such a religion ok?

Howth will kill EVERY SINGLE one of you when the time comes. He's reached the end of his tether: terrorist attacks everywhere, attacking the Volk. He cannot handle it.

He stands -- strong, upright -- and contemplates his next step. He can't accept what's going on in the World. He fights for the white man and the white man alone. He will never give up. He will never stop.

He hasn't watched TalmudVision in years, but turns it on, switches to the news channel, and watches the talking heads -- the news anchors -- giving their slow, soft soliloquies about how 'not all Muslims' are responsible and how 'all whites are Nazis,' and he CAN'T stand it.

He rages, flies off the handle, vows revenge for the Volk. He will start with the members of Sup Forums that have talked ill of him for years. Now that he is a resounding success, he has the contacts to find each and every one of them. Watch out.

>religion is a disease
These socialist, atheist knacker types are braindead.

Don't be racist, user. The terrorists aren't real Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace, unlike the inherently violent Christianity. This terrorism is nothing compared to what Christians did hundreds of years ago.

cherry picking, there are extremist christians as bad as extremist muslims. But islam is a plague either way.

>extremist christians as bad as extremist muslims

People out there REALLY believe this

>there are extremist christians as bad as extremist muslims
Extremist Christians aren't the ones attacking European cities.

>Old Testament talks about how the descendants of Ismael will be forever stuck in the Stone Age

Why is everyone so surprised with this backward religion it was predicted to be that way from the very beginning

No christian believes it is encouraged and rewarded by their faith to go on a murder rampage. The likes of Breivik usually don't identify as Christian.

>the crusades were wrong because Christians conquered Muslim lands
>no one brings up that those lands were Christian before Muslims conquered them

>tfw Islam might become the world's largest religion in our lifetime


Corrs are lit desu


AA, what is your view on Islam?

I don't like it and I'm not going to be an apologist for it.

Moving abroad tomorrow. Just want to say it's been a pleasure.

Where are you moving to?

There is such a thing as being too autistic lads. These terror attacks really bring out the worst in ye.

Sweden. For many reasons. In before the memes about non-whites. I know, I know, I have been before and have seen the amount of non-whites. Not particularly enamoured with that. But I have to go there for a few years. I'll be living rurally anyway.

Why not Norway or Finland?

My girlfriend is Swedish.

There's nothing inaccurate about that post though (although the 80% figure might be a bit on the low side yet).

I had many a childhood wank to this album cover. Pretty sure Andrea Corr is responsible for my foot fetish

t. Normalfag

Glad you're leaving so.

Good riddance so, normalfag.

Why do we have spastics with girlfriends here?

>These terror attacks really bring out the worst in ye.
Why do you think that?


Thanks lads.


Why doesn’t she move to Ireland

Jaggy isn't gay

Much of what he says has a large vein of truth to it but he certainly exaggerates in most of his points.
I disagree with him on the core issue that immigration and Islam is infesting and killing Ireland.

Because ye turn into a sort of Sup Forums-lite.

>implying Jaggy has a gf

Easier to save money in Sweden. The part she's from is quite cheap, especially compared to fucking Dublel nowadays. I'll be back to Ireland eventually if things cool down.

Why are there so many atheists in Clare and Cork?

>Because ye turn into a sort of Sup Forums-lite.
Are you one of those "Any political opinion more right wing than my own is Sup Forums types?

West Cork is Protestant country, but there are very few praticing Protestants out that way anymore.

Having to live in Clare would quickly convince you that God has forsaken you

Clare is full of foreigners and Cork is full of Protestants of the atheist variety.

Without the Shannon estuary on that map it really confuses me to look at.
He seems pretty socially competent.

>Because ye turn into a sort of Sup Forums-lite.
I'll come clean, I've been copy pasting a pile of extreme and very paranoid posts from the breitbart comment section into this thread just to see what kind of reaction those sort of views would get here.
I think it was actually the first time frogweeb ever responded in agreement to one of my political posts funnily enough! Hoping for condemnation but there wasn't too much of that, you at least passed the test so well done user.
I naturally don't believe any of that garbage and will stop now.

>West Cork is Protestant country, but there are very few praticing Protestants out that way anymore.
What happened to them?

>Clare is full of foreigners

>Cork is full of Protestants of the atheist variety
What confuses me is that most of the atheists are living in the country, the urban areas are relatively fine.

Along with every lake and river. With how detailed the shoreline is drawn I'm surprised they neglected to draw inland lakes and rivers.