Visited Europe

>visited Europe
>I had believed Europe was clean
>tfw realized Europe is far dirtier than east Asia

Other urls found in this thread:

You're delusional.

Japan maybe, but the rest of Asia is even dirtier.

It depends on where you are. German youth and lowlives like to spit out chewing gum and stuff like that. You won't see that in Japan too much, I got to admit.

>visited your mom
>I had believed your mom was poor
>tfw realized your mom is far more into kinky stuff than your dad

don't talk to japs ever again, they will steal your soul

this. japs are disgusting.


>look at me - i can choose Japan in my VPN

konbanwa~٩(ε )۶

where did you visit?

herro genghis

WTF just coming back from the designated shitting street and some japanese is insulting us WTF ???



Only nordic countries are clean and civilized desu


Yes hello

those countries are literally the most dirty countries in europe


let me guess, you only visited Paricongo

Come to America, it's really clean. We take cleanliness so seriously, we cut the skin off our penises.

>we cut the skin off our penises.

I hate America for doing that.

hello brother

Sorry, we're just clean freaks! xD

there is a reason why thee world calls us yurotrash
but this is what kikes turn civilizations into.

trash heaps.

European cities are not decent places for human to live.

but European still believe that their cities are the most beautiful in the world, even though they have never gone out of Europe.

top lel

I've been several times to Japan, I even lived there for a while. It's clean fo the most part, but it's not much different from where I live in Germany.

They benefit from usury and being slumlords. So they import the worst of humanity. A short walk from where I live there are these two giant apartment buildings owned by a Jewish family. They're full of gypsies who all live on welfare. Welfare is method of transferring wealth from the working class into the hands of Jews via niggers, gypsies, Muslims, etc.

Only 3rd world countries (countries with dirty streets and straydogs) should be called yurotrash countries

This website is like the biggest (you) to Japanese and you are jelly

steal my soul, nip.

>full of graffitis
>full of left garbage
>a bunch of blacks, muslims and uneducated law class workers
>fucking smelly white pigs

they are every thing you actually see in Europe.

How come are European proud of their shitty African tier environment?

dont roll us bro

or we'll send you a fucktons of jews to ruin your precious little fingol lands too.

Our words are not backed by nuclear weapons

oh no my precious fingol

what we do is nuke you with kikes.

but they have some very nice buildings, you have to admit

At least they are white

>visiting the countries in the bottom of the 1st world countries
>expect it to be clean



lol'd at the stray dogs cuz its true

yeah I love stray dogs.

Ialways pack my full automatic bb gun when I go long distance biking.

just today I unload 20 rounds into a fucking doggo some commie fuckhead let run lose around the streets,

I think I may have gotten him right in the doggo eye cuz he ran off yelping like a mofo.

and a month ago I unloaded my gun into a fucking doggo chasing me down while his owner was watching me.

felt alpha as FUCK!


btw if any koreans are reading this thread

Please I invite you to my wonderful country to capture these dogs and ship them back to Korea into kimchi processing.

You're a big guy

For YOU!!!

get your subhuman people out of my country


do it yourself

you lazy anglo bum

i wish my teeth were as good as his

did you just assume his gender

We'll become clean if you stop turning our children into homosexuals.

fuck ... i did!


Im a grill and I refuse to intercourse with condoms

Europe is field with disgusting niggers and muslims, what did you expect?

could have gotten the same experience just by diving into a dumpster

>Western ""Europe""
Belarus has probably the cleanest cities in Europe

northern europe is objectively the cleanest

youre all drunks and druggies over there

aint no drunks and narcotics ever clean


france muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers muslims niggers

Why do you have such an inferiority complex towards Nordic countries?

>only a few japanese posts
looks like the thread was made just to get europeans mad and argue with each other

those cheeky nips

It's 4:00 am in Japan

it wasn't when the thread was made

Fuck you, I love italy.