Fuck korean

fuck korean
fuck chinese

japan is over

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Do they change to Japanese names?

>0.6% """other"""
do you prefer whiteys over koreans and chinese?

it should be 50% korean and 50% chinese because you immigrant sea monkeys
come at me weebs

Please don't touch me.

do you like me, japan?

are you so stupid you think that other percentage is whitey and not filipinos & other SE Asians?


Why doesn't the world put more pressure on Japan to accept refugees/immigrants? Not saying they should, it just seems weird they're the only first world country that gets to say Japan4Japs.

Oy gevalt, please open your borders Shinji. You are seriously lacking in multiculturalism.

How can your country thrive without millions of Muslims and negroes roaming the streets?

Japan does get pressured into doing so but they don't give a fuck. The few ones they did get caused trouble and were immediately deported.

I think Japan should stay Japanese, I cringe when I hear yellow fever whites moving there and polluting their gene pool, it destroys their homogeneity and as a result, their culture. Exactly what happened in Europe.

They're trying, but it's a lot harder to succeed with a country that hasn't had its positions of power infiltrated by (((them))).

I don't know how aware the Japanese government is about the causes of the current demographic suicide of Western nations, but if they understand it then they will hopefully be able to resist it by making sure academia/education doesn't get infiltrated because that's how they would try to get a foot in the door.


we don't like Mad Max like society

>tons of brazilians, thais, peruvians and filipinos

wtf why are chink and gook so criminal? they were better off in the japanese empire, at least they would be kept in check


When you think about it, that's not that big of a deal. Look at China, which tore down most of their cultural buildings and so on. Even if Europe's slightly browner, the basic form still exists. It's frustrating that Sup Forums goes around shouting "All is lost!" when the great parts of the West remain mostly constant.

I love nippon and what I love I must destroy




japan is "over"? wtf does that even mean?

Japan is the only first world country without a massive Italian community, we need to fix that

How many Jews?

Japan must accept more immigrants, it is the only way you can survive.

Japan will be colonized by Koreans before long.

"polluting their homogeneity"

Haps are fucking inbred island gooks
there's nothing unique about their genes

>tfw racist japanese would rather let their economy fail and die out than accept foreigners and diversity

smdh tbqh familia

Because they make up most of the foreigner population??
Are you retarded?



holy shit

that's the perks of non-white

please get education


its not normalized to number of foreigner in japan you dipshit

oy FUCKING vey, you filthy fucking goy. How dare you?




These losers need to stay out of Japan.

must be Japanese diaspora that returned.


Abe shonzo is emperor of Japan
heil ABe



wtf i hate korea now