
Night edition

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Stop asking because you don't want me to post that...

> Stop asking because you don't want me to post that...


> Yes


Don't you guys get tired of this, it seems that these conversations happens every single day

You want me to post that image so everyone would see?

> You want me to post that image so everyone would see?

I don't!!!

> Yes


Exactly so don't play with fire if you don't want to get hurt...
(stop leaving spaces between your lines of text AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!)

> Exactly so don't play with fire if you don't want to get hurt...
> Yes
> (stop leaving spaces between your lines of text AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!)

Dumb autist!
Because that's autistic
Don't do that either...

>> Dumb autist!
Wow, rude...
>> Don't do that either...
Don't do what??

Its okay I was just joking...
Don't post a dot after each line of text

stop this isn't your private steam chat

>> Its okay I was just joking...
Oh, thank goodness....
>> Yes!
No, stop
>> Don't post a dot after each line of text
Okay, I won't

Hot boobs...
Yes no I won't stop

Please, do

>Please, do

Hm, okay...

OH MY GOODNESS, MAN, we're gonna rock and roll ourselves to death on this cool summer night, baby

What's wrong?

You are!

Hot boobs
No I am not!

About time.

You are, YES!

No I am not! baka shut up!


How are you doin', man?

remember when /balt/ was good?

A perv, a girl, and a baka

I am not a girl and not a baka shut up!

Not me. Don't just assume every estonian post is mine.

Same as always.

You are
>not denying that you're a perv

No, tell me more.

and how's that goin' for you? Everything all right, man?

Hot big boobs
No I am not
>not denying that you're a perv
I am denying it! Shut up!

No I won't.

is this poleshit?

You are
No, I won't!

Acceptable, I guess.

Who are you? Take your proxy off.

No stop lying!
You will don't call me that!

Tell me about it, baby, how could it go better for you?

No, I won't

Wish that was my car
Yes stop!

I guess it's as good as it can be right now.


Also you all suck, dumb girls.

I hope you can feel good about it, man

Steal it
No, perv quick shot

I would...
>perv quick shot
Are you introducing yourself?

No, you

No I am not you!
Right back at you!

Yes, and I'm not a criminal
>t. 7 mins

Hot, did she masturbate?
>t. 7 mins

Wow, Christian Western Europe holdin da balts down again

Ew, no
You know, quick shot

then what is that sticky stuff on her fingers?
No idea what are you talking about

>tfw no russian gf to step on my balls and cuck me

You're in Estonia, man, just walk down your hallway and knock on a door

I don't know...
Yeah, right

Russian girls are ez just talk to one

Be prepared to beat her later though, no beatings = no love

Hmm okay...
Yes you dummy

That's weird.

10 euros an hour, nigga. They even do it for free.

Stop lying

I am not lying, but you are lying you dumb normie!

Who /straightedge/ here?

I'm not lying
No, you, normie!

Define that for me, precious

You are lying
No stop lying or I will tell everyone about you!

>be Estonian guy
>not have 8 Russian side bitches to fuck the shit out of

No, I never lie
Normie, normie!

No alcohol
No drugs
No tobacco

I would do some shamanic ancient Estonian drug to connect with the spirits, but I don't know what they took.

>No, I never lie
You are not me

Yes, I'm not a normalfag

They took mushrooms, amanitas and the magic mushrooms that just about right now are growing on cow fields.

You always lie here.
You are...

Wow, you masochist
No, you normie!

I can see their panties...
No I am not!
No I am not. You are though..

Oh, yeah I guess I do that.

You are, dumb normie

No I am not a normalfag stop calling me that normie!

You are

Does caffeine count?

Careful with the amanitas, though. They need to be processed with heat. Others than the red-white fly agaric will kill you.

her leg is broken
No I am not! Shut up!

Thank you based shaman

You are, normie, normie!!

Any of you Estonians willing to lend me a hand, man? I've got a question about a little part of Estonian history, and I find you usually find the best results in the native language

sexy desu
Did you break it?
No I am not. You are don't make me post that image...

Yours too...
You are, lol, ahahaha, normie

I don't have boobs I am not a girl baka
Oh good.
No. Do you want me to post it?

I meant that pic, loser girl
> No. Do you want me to post it?
Nope, normie

Illya shits btfo
>I meant that pic
Oh yeah...
>Nope, normie
Good then don't call me that then.

True, lol
Okay, normalfag

I am not a normalfag baka! I don't have a ton of friends like you

Tell us more

You are
You do

No I am not
No I don't I don't have friends

At the very bottom tip of Sääre, Torgu vald, Saaremaa, there's a concrete bunker with some other bits of bunkers around. I wanted to know if you could find out if they were Estonian, German, Russian, WWI, II, Cold War, or what?

>you're so pathetic you're so pathetic
Wow, rude op
You are, dumb normalfag

Yes it is rude because you're bad
No I am not, you are