So, what is a GENRE you absolutely hate with every fiber of your being and why?

So, what is a GENRE you absolutely hate with every fiber of your being and why?

>Spanish Music
>same fucking drumbeats in every song

Other urls found in this thread:

pathetic/whiney self-deprecating indie garbage.

pop punk, can't fucking stand it

i'm not interested in listening how many bitches sucked someone's dick. it is disgusting.

>regueton starts blasting in the neighborhood
Latin america was a mistake


I have never heard an emo band that was good

Then I'd recommend the Pixies

None desu
Somehow i can't seem to hate any genre of music even crunkcore

Not emo at all, even if they did inspire emo bands.

they aren't emo

Seconding this

Listen to some Seam friendo, you'll change your mind. Or Red House Painters if for some reason you haven't.

Cap'n Jazz, Jawbreaker, Brave Little Abacus, americ anfootball, Midwest Pen Pals are all quality

haha epic!! thats totally what ""rap"" is !

Its a bad genre, Cap'n jazz is the only one worth anything

>implying it isn't

Meaning the language or country? Because both are wrong

cRAP am i right fellas?? xDDDDD

Electroswing. No explanation needed.

>spanish music
>a genre

quality discussion

conscious hip hop has to be the most embarassing genre of music. Puts lyrics at the forefront and has very little interesting musical qualities. If you ever wanted to become a conscious rapper, do the world a favor and become a poet instead.

No, you fool. I meant all of it as a whole, all genres created in Hispanic countries are trash. They all have the same damn Drumbeat and I can't take it.

these and post-grunge


lo-fi hip hop. not a single good artist or song in the entire """genre"""

Stoner rock.
>Dude, weed and acid, lmao!

Are there even """artists""" or just bots programmed to make 24/7 STUDY CHILL BEATS

Listen to Getz/gilberto

american football
sunny day real estate
brand new
my chemical romance (mostly the black parade era)
this town needs guns

you mean all mainstream hispanic music, but I get it

You only listed 2.5 emo bands my guy

public high school core
soy with no knowledge of music outside "le indie" core

What about Mos Def?

I'm not sure if this is intricate bait but I'll bite and inform you that those are Brazilian musicians and in Brazil they speak Portuguese, not Spanish.

Nujabes? But yeah this

No ALL OF IT, except Cafe Tacuba and Denver

try Russian rap

what's wrong? mcr were unironically good, not to say the black parade has aged marvelously (letting the eyeliner back)

yeah, i'm not really into the genre, however, i think all of them, even the ones you wouldn't call emo, work as an entry to emo

>hard rock
>boring, superficial, dude shred lmao, uninspired dad bullshit

there's a couple of pop punk bands i think are pretty good but otherwise i agree

Are The Offspring pop-punk? If not, why not? Everything pre-Americana is actually pretty good imo? Also I can't bring myself to dislike Greendays early work, the only difference between them and their underground contemporaries at that point was luck and good promo work, as is the case for some other pop-punk. Most of it is absolute garbage though.

Neo-Folk (Coil doesn't count).

Even aside from the pretentious fashy content as music goes its just terrible.

im gonna throw out the whole genre of hip hop/rap because it's so direct in both lyrics and music that it comes across as brainlet materialist garbage

kinda hate café tacuba. anyways, you might like this and most of luis alberto spinetta's work

you might also like:

juana molina and camila moreno

are we talking pop punk emo, post-hardcore emo/screamo, midwest emo, or slowcore emo?
not being unnecessarily pretentious there are actually pretty significant differences.

Bet you never listen to Honeysuckle aeons

yeah and all anglo music is the same britney spears tier pop trash

>Honeysuckle aeons
I was specifically referring to C93 in that post (and DIJ and the people that imitate their style).

I'd reccomend you to stop by this thread and have a little look, a lot of creat compositions in there.

>caring that much about music you don't listen to
You people need lives, and fast. Alternatively, not.

Of course i know that

Hardstyle. I can enjoy a lot of dance music, some of it quite cheesey / non-serious (Raggatek, Sheffield Bassline, Gabber, even a very little bit of Psytrance the odd time) but I just can't like it. Not sure why it just sucks. Not a big fan of Funky House either, gave me a headache and made me want to throw myself under a bus.

thats reggaeton using the dembow beat.

>user posts a genre he hates
>replies are all recommendations in that genre.
What makes you think giving these people more of the music they explicitly don't like will change their minds?

Because he is incorrect when he states that all music from given part of the world or culture sounds the same and is comprised of the same elements when in fact it is not


bebop/hard bop/cool jazz


imagine being this much of a pleb for a little minute, and try to appreciate your culture and education

I forgot funk

That's reggeaton you fucking imbecile, there's way more music than that

>Cap'n Jazz

Mostly right, but I don't think Weezer and TTNG are emo

Second wave Post-rock onwards is the most cloying shit imaginable
Slowcore and emo are whiney bitchy trash
Metal is so fucking cringey
Martial Industrial tries way too hard
Trap will die soon enough

rap. i really dont like black culture

t. soyboy


no dude YOURE the fuckin soyboy!!!!!!

black people are inherently more violent and less intelligent than other races, statistically speaking

t. poltard soyboy


trump won get over it

>This is the fragility of pol


>unlike the peaceful white supremacists

i wonder who commits more violent crimes - white supremacist groups or black youths

well white people have hitler, breivik, etc so i think they'll always have the mass murder numbers ...and don't forget jesus. jesus murdered every living thing on earth with a flood once there's that. just don't ask me what's wrong with them tho. that i don't know.

Have you actually listened to neo folk or do you just know about death in june? Btw coil has nothing to do with neo folk you fucking idiot. Please tell me everything else you've heard. Al t ough now you ate probably just going to Google bands and name drop

Jazz. A completely DEAD genre that white people in their teens-30s pretend to like so they can try to prove that they have """good""" taste in music.

>he hasn't listened to Flower Boy

Whatever subgenre trash like Lil Peep and that 69 rapper that keeps getting shilled here. Soy-hop?

"My white suburban dad doesn't like rap and neither do I."

>It's bad to be white

>Kpop fans hate Jazz

What a surprise.

So you hate it for everything but the music. Cool.

not hate, but I don't get the appeal of trap music

rap? sure I like it

hip hop? yeah I dig it too

trap? nah man, I don't see it



le (c)rap am i right fellow kekistani redditor gamergater XD


Are you trying to pass this off as a serious argument or is this a joke? Because i really hope its a joke.

>Black Parade
Their debut album is their best album and it's not even that good

"oldschool" grindcore/mincecore/whatever
It's just garbage

>Spanish Music

>Often mistaken for reggae or reggae en español, reggaeton is a younger genre which originated in the clubs of San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1991. It became known as "underground" music, due to its circulation through informal networks and performances at unofficial venues. DJ Playero and DJ Nelson were inspired by hip hop and Latin American music to produce "riddims," the first reggaeton tracks. As Caribbean and African-American music gained momentum in Puerto Rico, reggae rap in Spanish marked the beginning of the Boricua underground and was a creative outlet for many young people.

Basically, anglo-niggerish music sung in spanish.

EL GOBLINO: the genre

raggae, ska, punk, trap

I can't even begin understand what this fucking chart means but it's reactionary as hell that much I know

Trap/Mumble rap. I know, real original. I keep trying to enjoy it. I want to enjoy it. But i just can't.

it's the average american's understanding of demographics

Lil Peep is sort of emo hip-hop, 69 is just derivative trap.

do you also happen to dislike drum & bass?

what do you mean by rap? that's a style of vocals, not a genre

>t. has never done acid

What have you listened to? Maybe I have some recs