Spain / North Africa

Why do North Africans tend to be a lot less attractive than Southern Europeans?

This is a genuine question. I've been to Greece, Spain, Italy etc, and all of those countries have very attractive men and women, but Tunisians and Moroccans and Libyans just tend to be fucking ugly. They look like uglier, browner versions of hapas.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the ayyrab blood
I've never met a real good looking arab

They are quadroons genetically speaking. Also inbreeding is the norm in tje islamic world.

t. jealous Paki

t. homeless senegalese whose beurette dumped him

Is Lampedusa so cold for tunisians?

>whose beurette dumped him

Are they supposed to be good looking?

It's honestly sad what Maghrebis have been reduced to. Their minds have been completely colonized by the Arabs to the point they're prepared to sacrifice themselves for the sake of an "arab national movement" (as one pakistani apostate once called it). I've met a couple of Maghrebis who rejected Islam and realized their entire modern identity was basically being cucks for Arab imperialism, but they're few and far between.

Are those men supposed to be good looking?

It's not really islam. Those one's who can authentically embrace Berber identity over Arab identify should do so.

What do you mean by "a lot less attractive"? British women (and even men) beg to differ going by international sex tourism reports. Even in London which is infested by Spaniards, it is more likely to see Maghreb - British couples (99% of the times the latter being the female) than Spanish - British ones.

Pro tip: any British woman who travelled to Algiers, Tunis or Tangiers at some point in her life slept with several local men during her trip.

>It's not really islam.

LOL. Do you think this is Reddit pal? Everyone here is familiar with what the Quran and Sunnah command Muslims to do. The guy in the OP's pic was being a good Muslim, nothing more.

Also that guy had nothing to do with the attack

Funny because when I went to the suspect Facebook page I saw this


I thought Muslims didn't like doggos?

He was literally arrested senpai

I'm not British, squatter.

>unironically pushing the religion of peace meme


He still deserves to die by virtue of being an ugly shit skin.

His brother drive the car

>massive designer labels on everything

Why do muds do this?

One random Belgian journalist fucked 100 Maghrebi whores, he didn't just fuck them, he systematically degraded them. Pissed on their faces and made them swallow his piss.

Maghrebi girls are easy. Ask any nigger living in France.

Poleshit or Greeknigger?

>After careering off the road, the driver sped through crowds of tourists for up to 200metres, sending pedestrians flying, before coming to a halt outside the the kosher Maccabi restaurant.

Baruch Hashem, goyim. It pays to show respect to Adonai Most High.

Honestly, We should have replaced the local population with iberians when we still controlled our north african colonies.

>According to police audio recordings, the driver of the van was 1m 70cm tall, dressed in a white shirt with blue stripes.


Di maria is not african you mong

Why do you hide behind western flags mud?

There's no hope for them.

>The purpose of this religion, he finds, is "invented Islam to glorify Arabia." And the scheme worked, bringing "imperial dignity to the Arabs," subordinating huge numbers of non-Arab converts and their offspring to "Arab cultural hegemony," and making them permanent allies for the Arab cause. In his pungent words, every non-Arab Muslim has "turned into a moth, restless to cremate itself on the flame of Arab imperialism."

Lebanese and Syrians are another matter, there are good people among those populations.

I could ask you the same

I'm clear about who I am. I am Greek. What are you and why do you feel shame in admitting to your ethnicity on here?

That's just colonization fetish doesn't mean they're good looking. See the BBC meme too

LOL, the dude was literally a berber nationalist. Go check his profile driss

Lmao and you have the nerve to call anyone a shitskin. Why does the religion even bother you if its just about race?

Doesn't mean he's not an arap rape baby.

>another display of e1berber savagery
>another cruel reminder that I was born with a subhuman e1berber haplogroup

What did I do to deserve this genetic curse? If I had to have mud blood why couldn't it have been J1 or J2?

Greeks are better than germans

Oliveskin isn't shit, it is beautiful and godly.

its not

t. berber disapora

>muh euphemism like olive/golden/wheatish just to avoid saying brown

Denial isnt just a river in Egypt it seems.

>Why does the religion even bother you

Are you asking this question seriously? Look at contemporary Europe, you don't even need to delve into the history.

>Moroccan girls
Words cannot describe how wrong you are

see flag
uk lol
nah it's like any coastal warm city also some poonisian tend to wear this kind of jacket the whole year

Nope, 100% french of low extraction.

You said he should die regardless of religion so why do you care that much?

whats wrong with that you retarded german?

turks do that

my eyes can you subhuman

tunisians are ugly arab subhumans

>Y...You should consider yourselves part of our PoC brown people alliance!

Why do Mudghrebis always do this? Seriously. Do you not understand that for all their present-day issues, Southern European states are light years ahead of North African ones in just about every way that counts?

There is no reason for us to consider you brothers. You are failures. Cucks of Gulf Arabs. Ready to sacrifice yourselves for them. Literally killing yourselves and others to advance the Arab national interest.

Typical krautnigger. No appreciation for nuance and finesse. What a sad breed you pe*ple are.

Good to see you around again bro, someone needs to put these muds in their place.

Typical Northern European continues to call Southern Europeans cucks of arabs as well.

you can do that by yourself
fuck this shitskin board

Shut up fucking moroccan

Asians aren't "yellow" yet are called yellow.

Yes, because Southern Europeans blow themselves up to advance an Arab cause. Call themselves Arabs. Speaking Arabic. Worship Gulf Arabs etc.

It's amazing what fucking lackeys Mudghrebis are.

izem baby come back to me

Im not north african. And you are literally avoiding the hard truth because muh feelings.

i am Angel Di Maria, and i can confirm i did it

>Arab blood
when this meme will end

And the only people who could classify as brown are black people

Am i attractive?

Do you even know how rerarted your pic us? Post a real study with actual scientic terms and not this meme bullshit


Do you not at least acknowledge a large portion of the Mudghreb basically exists under mental control of Arab colonization?

If you are genuinely not an ugly mud, here's what I have to say to you:

There is no reason to worship Gulf Arabs, they are subhumans. They never achieved anything. The intellectual achievements of the various Caliphates were largely by non-Arab ethnicities, the Turks regarded them later on a pestilent, unproductive, uncivilized people. There is no reason to bow down to this worthless race of cretins. You and I both know, if your IQ is high enough, that they would be crawling around like apes were it not for oil wealth (wealth that is fast drying up).

Why so angry, Mehmet? It's literally the authoritative source on population genetics.

National Geographic, my little Turk. Every news article you see discussing population genetics both ancient and modern uses their reference data as a control.

You're fucking retarded
entire Arab tribes migrated to North Africa and established cities and countries, that's why natives that went to live there got assimilated vs Arabs who went to iran and central asia and found already established and prosperous cities so they got assimilated

Not that I'm denying Islamic terrorism but that dude was a berber nationalist, they fucking hate Islam and Arabs. I very much doubt he was a Muslim in fact it's not very hard to believe that he did this to ruin Islam\Arab's image

You're delusional if you think NA Arabs blow themselves up for gulf Arabs or anyone else

How am I supposed to take a study seriously that uses terms like Arabia? This is PopSci-tier

(((nat geo)))

The Berber Nationalist is probably the wrong suspect

>Not that I'm denying Islamic terrorism
>they fucking hate Islam

My favorite is when MENA dudes try to pass off as native Euros.

I saw Tunisians in Rome trying to pass off as locals, and Algerians trying to pass as native French. Spain also gets that with Morrocans.

Mind you , these people travel, and tell other countries that they are natives from there.

Reminds me of this story: A brazillian mixed race dude visited the Ukraine and told the locals that he as 100% Portuguese from Portugal. Unlucky for him, the locals he told the story had family here, and had visited Portugal I've heard this from a friend who's parents are Ukrainians. And they laughed in his face, telling that it's just not possible what he said, and dude got angry they didn't believe them, and left their restaurant.

Now imagine hundreds of Ukrainians they told before meeting someone who knows better.

As in I'm aware of Islamic terrorists but this dude isn't one
Those are just NA tho, not MENA

Why are North Africans in particular always chimping out?

You kinda answered yourself, they're African

Also, white supremacy


They are ugly quadroon camel fuckers inbred shits

Is that supposed to be good looking ???

These niggers are ALWAYS doing this shit! They always go on about how european women want them and then I see them trying to pass themselves off as Greek whenever they are asked where they are from.

I have humiliated many a non-Greek Arab subhuman this way.


Guys I made a new thread where we can discuss sunnigger historical economic failure.

We can link up with our Levantine bros who hate sunnigger trash too.

lel he didn't know that berbers exluding kabylie are more religiious than araps
ignorant smelly arap

you look like a mulatto


Wasn't the right guy. He just reported to the police that his ID card was stolen. Checkmate Aladin.
Literally the only political way forward. Both for Berber north Africa and the Levant. To uncuck ourselves from the insidious Arab cultural colonialism and get back to our Mediterranean and African roots. It is also a very recent phenomenon, this cuckoldry contrary to popular belief. It dates back to like the 90s-00s and literally led to a civil war here. It's due to the development of middle Eastern satellite TV channel heavily funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar for cultural soft power purposes. Things will be easier when the Saudi regime falls.

Also I am cute as fuck and manly too and have fucked more British GFs than I can count

they don't inbreed, they're all dumb fucks.

your skin looks dark in the same way a mixed person's skin does

I tan easily desu

There is no relation between north africans and europeans regardless of orientation, I have no relation to north africans.

Spaniards, Shitalians and the Portuguese are basically Arabs with EU passport.

your hair is black not light brown
stop using other people pics sfaxi chan

There is one. It's called the Roman empire.

Yes a meme haplo that is 1-2% that could essily be from literal african/jewish immigrants.

This map is for natives. Immigrants are not counted otherwise France would be at around 10%.

I'll take a pic of myself again

Says who?
Jews are not europeans and have the J/e1b.

You are literally as BERBERED as Egypt.



Says the fact that France has zero percent when it has the largest Sephardic and Maghrébin communities in Europe
>Speaking of jews as a race when there is literally zero difference between a Berber Jew and a Muslim one at the haplo level
Serves me well for trying to have an argument ED conversation with a country where "white" "black" "yellow" appears as your ethnic identity on your ID

As you can see here spain is European in same group with french/anglos/germans.

I don't get it. A White hand?

There is no evidence for any of that and is fairly psuedoscience.

>Statistics and genetics is "fairly" pseudoscience


are you sfaxi or i'm just getting the wrong person
you aren't tunisian right?
coz sfaxi posted his hairline his hair is black