2007 share threads share threads share threads. peak Sup Forums

>2007 share threads share threads share threads. peak Sup Forums
>2008 Sup Forums masturbates of FLAC files, constant threads about fidelity. Headphone/speaker generals were boomin'
>2009 Sup Forums still liked radiohead. constant "is this the new ok computer?!" threads with in rainbows as the OP
>2010 crunkcore gets a gathering. Today's mid20's 6ix9ine posters became sleeper cells
>2011 Death Grips change the face of Sup Forums. hip hop discussions are forever changed.
>2012 pop counterculture takes hold. Taylor swift general born. liking top40 is top chic
>2013 Sup Forums pretends they didn't get into boards of canada because they heard Tycho first
>2014 Benji comes out, everyone on Sup Forums suddenly becomes songwriting experts.
>2015 vapourwave is not a real genre, shoegaze is not a real genre
>2016 grimes becomes queen of Sup Forums whether we wanted it or not
>2017 Sup Forums renounces kendrick and chance, regains love for kanye. kpop general proves itself eternal.

What's 2018 got in store?

>2018 Sup Forums calls everything they don't like soy-[thing]

climbing the imaginary dominance hierarchy just may be the defining trait Sup Forums has left on the entire site.

jordan peterson really got to those guys.

When I first joined Sup Forums, I thought Sup Forums was the worst board.

good times

meanwhile /lit/ is exactly the same

The Soy Era.

>im not a soyboy ur a soyboy

>kpop general proves itself eternal.

Im pretty sure if there was a button that said "kill everyone who has ever made or posted in a kpop thread" that 98% of mu would break their fingers from pressing it too hard


Does someone have the new Andrew W.K. album "You’re Not Alone"?


ive never listened to kpop but one time i made a random shitpost in a kpop thread am i going to die


But what were the buzzwords from each year?

That's just a Sup Forums thing.

Found so many good records on those share threads. Now I don’t know if I’m just older or music is getting worse but I can’t find anything new that’s exciting.

It wasn't until the tail end of last year.

That's just a Sup Forums-Sup Forums thing.

Sup Forums pretends they didn't get into boards of canada because they heard Tycho first
I think I heard Tycho for the first time around this time and I still haven't listened to BoC

Fucking formatting.

too early in the year to see what the year defining event is

This. Literal subhuman filth.