Worst tourists

What countries produce the worst tourists?
Share your experience with tourists.

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they're cunts

they start talking to you in english EVERY TIME
If i'd go to another country at least I'd learn how to ask people if they speak english in their language
that's just fucking rude to come and speak in another language you think we have to speak. That's just arrogant

>french talking about arrogance
please we get french talking french to waiters all the time expecting some kind of response

>it's another meme story
no one is stupid enough to believe anyone speaks french in the US
honestly i often read about these meme stories here but they're probably all bullshit, I don't believe anyone would do that

This is absolute bollocks and you know it.

street shitters>chinese>burgers

>they start talking to you in english EVERY TIME
everyone speaks english, waste of time to ask every person if they speak it

1. Jews
2. Chinks
3. Italians and French (only because they can't into english and expect everyone to learn their irrelevant languages)

Americans: They are loud as fuck, they always want to be the center of attention.
Thais are shit tier tourists, they are noisy, they are literally everywhere and they smell bad like most southeast asians.

When I was in Paris most people started talking to me in English

I kinda don't like the noisy ones and the ones that act like they own the place or some kind of big deal.

Chinese are the worst

Animal tier

>1. Jews
this user knows what's up
and it's no Sup Forums meme, kikes act like monkeys in hotels

Chinese hands down

As a Dutchmen, I would say the majority of us are the most annoying tourists to deal with. There's a certain type of Dutch tourist who you can find just about anywhere on Earth. It's the type that talks loud, dresses without shame and never stops complaining about how much better everything is at home. You can't enjoy a single museum without some Dutch cow nagging about how dark and crowded it is.

14 posts in, no mention of Brits. We're about to make a personal best.


Americans, but to be fair we only get the young ones coming over for the younger drinking age or the one's that don't habe enough money to travel anywhere else which often means they're not as educated.

You seen chinese peeing everywhere too>?

This. Mainland chink is the worst.

Japanese tourists.
I went to the Mall in Washington DC this summer and there were large tourist groups of them just taking pictures with or without selfie sticks and never going up close and looking at the monuments. They only go to these places so they can say they've been there.

Mainland Chinese
Orthodox Jews
Gulf Arabs
Feral Australians
Chav Brits
Upper-class Russians


do americans shart in mall?


Chinese. They are fucking animals.
Irish. Rude, horrible accent, ignorants.
Amerilards. Rude and ignorants, specially the niggers.

in that order.

Russo touristo is the worst.

i meet a young russian couple 2 years ago. They were very kind.

Maybe it's because Chile is not among main touristic places for russians.
Mostly, russo touristos visiting Turkey, Ebypt, maybe Grece and Thai. And there, they're acting awful.

I know a gypsy who is working. Doesn't mean all gypsies are working

I can't tell differences between American and Brit.

so I treat all of anglos speaking English as American.

You forgot Germans.

Mentioning yourself is kinda dumb, but you are right, especially for spain german tourism

Russian tourists are mainly rude bydlo, but at least they are harmless. I gotta go with Brits. Brits are fucking animals.

Never seen any.


Americans are usualy ok here. I guess it's because your regular fat arrogant ameritard woudn't come here in the first place.
Russians tho, basically this

take a fucking guess


christ sake...

Our superpower is loudly complaining about Americans whilst seated within earshot of three separate groups of American tourists

>No france
You haven't had shit tourists until a French backpacker shits on your footpath.


they scatter garbage, talk noisily, and break the rules
We often problematize them.
they are so rude.

The Germans are worse than the French.

What are Sup Forumss experiences with Kiwi tourists?

I did this once but felt really bad about it afterwards. It was a family eating dinner in a Thai restaurant and I was just being an asshole. Americans are good people in my experiences.

Aside from the shit accent they're indistinguishable from Australian residents, so you can't really tell if they're tourists or immigrants 2bh.

As my experience working in the McDonalds of Madrid's Airport, i can tell that Italians and Portugueses/brazilians are the worst.

Loudy, eat like pigs, and they are the only ones who doesnt pick up the food. They dont care about other people/employees

Do you not get drunk Brits vomiting everywhere?

Danes and Pajeets

Very much this.

lol no
Barely seen any.

The worst are Chinese, Turks and Arabs.


The Americans and English aren't that bad here.

The worst would have to be the Chinese. They walk around on the wrong side of the footpath in groups of 30 and have absolutely no manners. I was out on my bike the other day going down a two lane cycle path when I saw a massive group of chinese walking along it, taking up both lanes. I called out so they knew I was coming and they just turned around, looked at me and kept on going. I had to get off my bike, take it off the path and walk around them just so I could carry on. It's a small thing, but it really fucking bugs me.

Dutch people by far. I used to work at airport and it was the first time I saw foreigners slanted eyes gesture and say "ching chong" to make fun of a Japanese shopgirl.

This really fucking annoyed me with the Chinese when I went to Paris. You'd go through the Lourve and they'd just be walking around in massive packs staring at their phones and taking selfies instead of looking at any of the paintings. What's the point of going in the first place if you're not even going to look at what's on display?

>Feral Australians
Yeah sorry about that. There's this travel the world meme that's cropped up with the absolute fucking worst people in this country. They all go around Europe drinking, yelling and acting like they're in their mate's backyard.

they're all scaffolders mate

Chinese tourists are very disrespectful. It's like they think that just because they aren't as poor as the rest of their countrymen that everyone everywhere is a peasant compared to them.

I heard it's because they used to be peasants and now have money but absolutely no class

this but Chinese tourists are the worst. Loud, monolingual, always in groups and the worst of it they are littering everywhere. wtf china

bascially Chavs, then

except from the accent I guess, but it's not like normal non-anglo can tell the difference


russian keep control even drunk

eh not quite

our equivalent of chavs will only ever go to bali or thailand. These people tend to be quite well off but are still complete cunts.
Australian culture isn't really refined, which I guess makes sense given our history, so people from all walks of life have some lower class english aspects to them.

As someone who rents seasonal vacation spots to foreigners, I can tell you that they don't even have that much money. There was one group that rented a place from me in Florida (Orlando area) and really trashed it, and then they had the nerve to try to book again the next year. I just told them it was already reserved.

Mainland Chinese are by far the worst. They take all of the unmannerly nouveau-rich behaviors that Americans embodied starting in the early 20th century and put them on steroids.

Say what you want about us, but we don't shit in the street, we don't usually deface ancient artifacts/landmarks/relics, and we don't litter everywhere.

apparently this is what pisses people off about german tourists

what bothers me is why would you sunbathing near hotel pool when there is probably beach around.

I've seen plenty of Danish plates here but never ever have I actually heard a Dane here. They're extremely low key.

on the beach we start digging holes
...for a reason

>What's the point of going in the first place if you're not even going to look at what's on display?

Showing off their status to friends back home.

Stop stealing our traffic signs

just banter haha


You fucking Germans steal our elk signs


this elk looks retarded

I'm sorry for these idiots. Germans are fascinated by elks but I didn't know they'd go that far.

Start selling them as souvenirs

i would too

Americans are cool. I don't fucking know why you all expect Americans to speak your language only to look like a complete dumbass. Maybe that's exactly what you want, you dicks. Here in Norway, everyone nonchalantly switches to English when someone speaks to them in English, and 90% of the population can hold an English conversation to varying degrees.

On topic:


Holy shit. They will complain about literally everything, and knowing their nature, you feel like you have to tiptoe around them in fear of them suing you over trivial shit.

What about German tourists?

>Americans are cool

Literally hundreds of them go missing every year. They've even started putting up ones with "bullet" holes in them to deter theft, but that only made them more attractive apparently.

Elks are retarded.

I think they do actually.


That elk looks majestic as fuck. What a beautiful creature

Only tourists that come here are Slovenians, and oddball australian God knows why they end up here, some exchange or volunteer cunts in their groups, and probably turks but they go to the islamic half of Bosnia, not here.
They are all well behaved and never make any problems, ever.
Slovenians use our town as a weekend house goddamn it, they think it was all built and created just for them and their 2 days off in a week or month when they come to gorge on our food, get piss drunk and hug each other and sometimes try and find a widow to fuck, or pick up college girls.
I dont mind them, i earn money from them but its weird

Fuck Filipino tourists.

The only reason I know your country exists is because I conquered it in a HOI3 game a month ago
What is it like there?


They are good decoration.

>be in Germany
>some Americans walk into the restaurant
>"Can you like, speak English please? *giggles with her friends*

Poor burger

Americans are the best. Were respectful, cultured, happy and pleasant to be around.
Chinese are the worst

i live in a town that gets full of tourists during the summer, and all my jobs so far had something to do with tourism (renting out apartments, helping in a restaurant, working in a hostel.) It debends on the age and wealth of the tourists, but generally speaking:
>Jews (not memeing, 100% true)
>rich Germans and Austrians
>rich Italians
>old Slovenians
>rich Russians

Czechs visiting bordering countries or Croatia are probably the worst. Like I find what they do absolutely hilarious and try to make friends with any Czechs outside the home country cos they're all fucking bro tier, but I imagine it must be absolutely horrendous to deal with them as a non-czech

Canadian tourists >> American tourists

examles why:
My friend works at a reception in a hotel, told me this story:
>Family comes to hotel, asks if they have any free rooms
>Friend says yes, reserves the room, does the check-in and paperworks and gives the key to the family.
>family goes inside the room
>friend hears them moving furniture around
>phone rings at the reception
>''Hello yes i no like room, I would want another room please'' (literally said this)
>friend is like wtf but gets the key to another room and goes to them
>goes to guests, escorts them to the other room, unlocks the door, guests go in
>''Is this room ok?''
>''Yes yes, thank you very much''
>Friend goes back to the reception
>after 30 min guests come back
>''Hello we changed our minds, we will not take the room, thank you very much''
>friend uses last % of energy to kindly say goodbye to them
>goes back and checks the room
>the dude took a huge dump in the toilet and did not flush
>the whole room smelled like shit
>had to call cleaning service for both rooms

Another one:
>friend working in a restaurant
>lunch time, all tables but one are taken
>group of 11 jews come and would like a table
>friendg goes into''are you fucking blind cant you see that theres no space but i have to say this kindly to you'' mode
>5 stay at the restaurant, others leave
>they sit down at the table and read the menus
>after 5 min friend asks them what they wish to order
>''Hmm we dont know yet sorry''
>ok no problem, comes back later
>still not ready
>they do not know how a pizza looks like and are scared that they wont like it
>friend explains what pizza margherita is
>''Ok we would like pizza margherita, but with additional green olives''
>Friend:'' Sorry but we only have black olives
>they look at eachother like he said something in chinese
>''Well then we will not have anything, sorry'' and they leave
>friend tells this story to literally everyone he meets

The worst part is when they ask you to take pictures of them. I've literally only seen Japanese people do this, and it's annoying as fuck

Idk man chechs are always bros to me

people here go to the weirdest countries

I know some girls that went off to fucking Cambodia a month ago

Aus desu. Id love to go to SEA but all the natives there prolly hate me and think id be there for sex and drunken stupidity because of precedents set by other Aus tourists

>Id love to go to SEA
literally fucking why

people only go there because it's cheap, if you have money go somewhere that isn't a humid shithole