Stop pretending you hate diversity

Stop pretending you hate diversity

I don't, I only hate diversity quotas for jobs because I'm not diverse enough to get hired.

I don't hate diversity. I hate blacks.

I don't hate diversity. I just hate whites.

I hate everybody.

Nobody hates diversity. I think that's only an American thing.

I hate myself.

Define “diversity”

Letting Muslims and negroes into my country isn't diversity, it's a surefire way of making the country worse economically, socially and culturally.

So yes, I'm not in favor of so called 'diversity'.

We love diversity so much that our nazi party actually wanted to dominate the world through racemixing all races in the world. Hence the Sum symbol as our swastika

I do tho

you only need to read any history book to start hating whites

i want diversity



I don't hate diversity, I just hate people who try to force diversity. We all know SJWs are the real racists.

Eating the same shitty kebab everywhere and being forced to use English in my everyday life is not diversity

if there were a button to kill all nonwhites in america i would press it and not feel bad at all.


I don't hate diversity, i simple don't live in USA

the only good thing about diversity is that it lets you taste different culture's cuisine without having to travel to their shitholes
we should only let chefs in

I'm not pretending

>no ginger in the pic
I'm the one that is really persecuted. Nobody defends gingers.

Modern diversity is only skin deep.

at least two of them are boys