This is definitely AOTYSF

This is definitely AOTYSF.

>watches fantano once
I like Nicolas Jaar but this is his weakest release to date. If you listen to a lot of house music, you’d know this is mostly bland.


Not OP but can you share some better house albums? I'm pretty new to the genre but have been trying to get deeper into it. I really like Moodymann

Fuck you stupid faggot. I've listened to all Nymphs EPs, Space Is Only Noise/Sirens and Darkside. I spun Nicolas Jaar before I even knew theneedledick

I thought so too at first but multiple listens really emphasize how repetitive and sanely it is

Probably one of his best works but there have been other projects released better than this

>please spoonfeed me
>I really like babby’s first house
lurk more faggot

Fennec - R.I.P City
Lxury - Into The Everywhere
Project Pablo - I Want to Believe
VAPERROR - Acid Arcadia
808 State - 90
DJ Sprinkles - Midtown 120 Blues
Capsule - Fruits Clipper
Étienne de Crécy - Super Discount

Have to agree it’s pretty boring and I know “boring is a shit criticism to make” but I didn’t even care enough to come up with something better to describe why I didn’t like it. It’s just bland.

Songs from the Beehive

Nah I mean it's good House but it's not pivotal.
It's my AOTYSF but that's just because there hasn't been anything else good.

I don't understand this album cover. What's with the repeated "OTHER PEOPLE" running vertically? And what's the point of the yoga girl in the top right? None of it makes any sense.

I can agree with you on that I’m not saying the album was bad or even average but it wasn’t mind blowing enough for me to make a particular note on it

But yeah it’s better than anything else released this year so far, I don’t count TF as a new release since it was essentials a remaster of a 7 year old album

Also TF is shit

it’s alright

what I thought was weird about fantano's review is that he gave it a 9 and yet his review is less than 7 minutes long. all he had to say about it was
>good samples
>good beatz
but anyway, this was average at best. the only track that was great, imo, was Some Kind of Game. every other track was either boring or annoying. I'd imagine that the people who enjoy this don't really know much about deep house, and conversely, the people who don't like this have heard much better deep house, or frequently listen to music that's not nearly as repetitive. I wouldn't rate this much higher than a 6, honestly.


not sure I'd put capsule above this album but seconding 808 state

get a life ahhahaahh


yeah it's just further proof Fantano doesn't know shit about electronic music

Okay I was wondering why every time I made a thread about this no one responded

p4k and the bald man hadn’t reviewed it yet

Wasn't a 'better than' list rather just some House albums I liked. Lounge Desingers Killer is Capsule's best anyways

Anyone got a download link to this?


>lurk more faggot

Are you implying that people actually talk about house on this board?


aotysf is twin fantasy (face to face)

TF is hugely overrated.

indie rock is fucking lame

Indie rock is good but anyone who thinks that fucking car seat headrest is good indie rock is definitely underage.

agreed and will is the best indie rocker out there right now

He's basically the ONLY indie rocker out there right now.

I get what you mean there’s defintely others but in terms of popularity and acclaim no one is touching CSH right now even most of contrarian Sup Forums doesn’t deny it

It's almost as if it's against all logic...

it's a style of design popular on tumblr these days
if you want to get into house you should stop thinking about music in terms of albums

lurk a lot more

Get a load of this fucking virgin