Tfw 20 nearly 21 and don't have drivers license yet

>tfw 20 nearly 21 and don't have drivers license yet

How do I get one? pls help Sup Forums i don't want to become like cwc

I'm 23 and don't have mine

I've never felt the need for a drivers license, I just take the train and bus everywhere.

how do you take women out on dates?

I wish I could do this. You can't go anywhere without a car in America.

Drove without a license for 3 years desu

I am almost 23 and don't have one, my permit's almost going to expire

can't they drive themselves?

Lol who cares abot thots

>got license at 18 because instructor gave 0 fucks
>still a shitty driver that spills spaghetti at 28
>keep renewing license with outdated photo and cashiers heckle me whenever I buy booze now

just go to a DMV in an irrelevant city and they'll give them away like candy

Who gives a fuck. When you're ready you just do the test then you have it.

>like candy

do they give away candies in the usa?

>finally got mine at 24
We're all gonna make it.

not if they're kinder eggs

>tfw got mine in 20
>Didn't use it 4 years later

>all these losers

Mr. President pls go

Why do you not have one? Do you not need it? How do you commute?

>those questions
>this site

you're deliberately being obtuse

i recall the city practice was with an automatic gear car while the parking, uphill starting etc all were with a manual gear car, so i could drive manual gear... but only on the first gear

then i got a job where i was given a car with manual gear and it was quite a hell to figure out how to switch those gears myself >

I'm 23 and I don't have a drivers license. I don't need one.

When I had a job I took the bus. For groceries I used to bike but it got stolen so now I just walk.

delete this
manual is for bantering Americans only

>living in america without a license
how do you get anywhere

by driving
I have a relative that has been driving without one for almost 30 years

Do you live in NYC or how do you survive in this country without driving we have shit metro literally everywhere else.

I'm terrified of driving desu.

me too
I seriously get anxious about it the night before and white knuckle the whole time even after driving for a decade

fuck driving

Self-driving cars can't come sooner :-^)

how do you avoid never having to show it. Hell ive been through 2 or 3 roadblocks in the past year alone trying to catch drunk drivers. They are relatively rare but are common enough to the point where I would be paranoid without one. Not to mention that you can always run into asshole cops which will pull you over for the stupidest shit. Just a couple of months ago I was pulled over for going 5 mph over the limit. I was given a warning but it was still the biggest waste of time.

Getting caught driving without a license is no joke. I live in a relatively lax state as far as traffic laws go and you can be imprisoned for a week and slapped with a $500 fine. If you live in a place like california it can go up to 6 months with a $1000 fine

>be me on the motorway at 110kmh
>bitch in front of me brakes hard for no reason and comes to almost a complete stop
>brake hard just in time so the bumpers are 10cm apart
>3 seconds later head goes flying forward because some dickhead didn't brake hard enough and drove up my ass

cwc has a car dumbass

I got mine at 22, before that my family had to drive me everywhere. I'm a shit driver but I haven't been in an accident yet

I can drive only when i'm the only one in the car

>tfw to scared too drive
I will need it because my school is going to be like 1 hour in car (and like two in public transport), but I feel like I can't drive for shit.

"Shit metro...literally"

Ironicly the only metro that fits this description "literally" is the NYC subway.

Not him but I have never been through or seen or even heard of a roadblock in my city or the other major city I lived in. I think they're just a meme at this point like penis inspection day.

>got licence the day i turned 18
>drove apc in army at 19
>drove a truck for living for few years after service
>there are people here who dont have a licence at mid twenties

how long have you been driving? im only 23 and ive been through a fair handful. Granted most of them were in college towns on weekends but ive even seen them on rural roads

Binland does not have to deal with all the traffic and retarded drivers we have here in California

some people here don't drive a truck for living :^)

why does it look like a dog driving but theres a person in the side mirror

I'm not about to afford to buy or ride in those otherwise I'd uber everywhere already

he's not very bright and has had trouble with the law at times. it helps that he mostly drives in very rural areas. strangely enough I live in a semi-big city and have never seen a checkpoint even though everyone else I know has.

that fucking sucks. I've had many close calls but somehow haven't been that guy behind you yet

>tfw dad is in the passenger seat

7 years

DUI check points are illegal in some thing like half the states. Other places like Texas have weird laws where the public has to be notified 72 hours before hand where the checkpoints will be.

wtf I hate my state now

24 with no license reporting, I'll get it someday

>tfw 22 and have a license but really afraid of driving
>tfw can't go anywhere that's more than ~20 miles away because i'll get lost or crash

ive heard of police getting around this law by putting up a sign warning of a dui/drug checkpoint x miles ahead while not actually having one and pulling over people who make U-turns or throw shit out their cars. It happened to my roommate who was from washington

I'm 26 & don't have mine. My boss takes me to work on the 2 days I work.

Driving in the middle of the night without anyone on the road can be therapeutic. It's the other shitters that have to ruin it.

I just don't understand how people can learn to drive on crazy highways. How do you know where to go? How do you know what lane to be in? How do you manage to watch all the cars around you, and also in front of you? There's not much time to think about any of that while you're moving at 80 MPH.

Getting lost while driving is actually pretty fun 2bh. When I first started driving phone GPSs were expensive and inaccurate so I got lost in rural tennessee while driving towards a cabin to stay with family. I ended up stopping at a small family owned motel to ask for directions and ended up staying the night because it was dark and the roads were icy. They talked me into going hiking with them early in the morning and instead of it turning into the plot of a horror movie they took me to see a waterfall and gave me an apple pie and a gallon of homemade cider on my way out.

Nowdays its basically impossible to get lost because google maps is free and every mobile device made in the past decade can run it.

I know that feel bruh. Even worse is that I'm on the mentally slow side so I can't maintain good reflexes. I generally memorize the optimal lanes and drive the flow of traffic.
I've never gone over 85mph ever and I generally hang around 70-80.

>tfw everyone you know has tried going their vehicle's top speed

I have a license but I can't afford a car, despite having a job. It's not a problem in my every day life because I take the subway to work, but I like having the license for trips to other places in my spare time. I just drive my dads land cruiser some times when I visit my parents. Cars are just so expensive to buy and own here.

You don't have the craigslist shitbox option? Or is it just the fuel costs? I had a $3k car that lasted me a really long time with hardly any maintenance or insurance.
I will never buy a modern car or pay a car payment.

surely there must be cheap used options for you? This is for sale in my town for less money than a smartphone and the only supposed problems are a dented bumper and a spotty AC. It only has 110k miles on it which is relatively low for older used vehicles. It must be different because you legit cannot live without a vehicle in america unless you are an actual turbo neet.

I had the same issue when I was young growing up in a poor family and wound up buying a used motorcycle by mowing lawns.
My dad had some shitty car I could never practice driving in so I had a learners permit forever but I got a motorcycle endorsement on it. Eventually the learners permit expired and they somehow gave me a motorcycle only permit which I don't think is even supposed to be a thing.
I wound working at an airport driving all kinds of shit around including jumbo jets too and from taxiways, I guess they didn't look hard at my license when I was hired.
I went with my girlfriend to renew her license and she asked the guy about my situation and he said "What? Let's go right now" so I drove around talking to him for a bit and finally got my car license at 26.
It was a relief, being on motorcycles everyday for years in horrible storms and the freezing cold wears on you after awhile.

I don't want the monthly parking, fuel, road would probably ruin my budget. I can drop the insurance for such a cheap car maybe. My brother got burned owning a cheap car, it broke down and repairing old, cheap cars can get expensive. It can be a maintenance nightmare. You are a little lucky if you have an old,cheap crap car with hardly any maintenance.

let me find an alternative in our used car market and compare price

ok, so any car that cost as little as a smart phone is a "repair projects", aka maintenance cost for days

I can drive, but I'm scared of taking the test

32yo here. Don't have driver license either but I don't really need one.

Got my license the day I hit 18

Only little pussy bitches don't drive

What distance did you check? You have to prey upon the elderly to be quite honest. Widows give zero fucks.

ill definitely take that tactic into consideration, and I know retired people take good care of their cars, it's not like they go off roading and such with it

Last week I found out my licence expired last October
I really don't want to go renew it lads

19 and literally getting mine right now. It's always a plus to have it when looking for a job too.

I'm a fucking pussy when it comes to driving downtown, shit scares me out.