I want to get into classical music, I know nothing, where do I start?


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Start with

Vivaldi' Four Seasons

Mozart's Piano Concerto 21

Reich's Music For 18 Musicians

It's all pretty easy stuff to digest, and being able to understand what's going on in terms of the detail in the music's a big part of being able to appreciate the stuff.

if you don't know theory but listen to classical you're a pseud

Just listen to your classical music radio station. It's the radio so they'll play accessible pieces, and the host should give you adequate introductory background on the composer or piece.

Understand that classical music isn't a genre of music but it simply means Western art music that has been around since the middle ages. You've got a million different types of cultures, paths, genres and circumstances under which music was made.

Maybe the most basic thing you could do first is decide if you enjoy more instrumental or vocal works and then move on to Bach and the 18th century classical era which is a starting point for a lot of people.

So my questions are: Do you think you enjoy vocals more or the instrumentals in songs? Are you in any way religious or spiritual and does this component at all influence your enjoyment of music (does it make it better if it's spiritual)?


I was initially turned off by classical but it turns out I was only hearing baroque. Once I heard stuff from the romantic period it changed my mind. Maybe you just need to find the right sub-genre.


objectively wrong and moronic

Classical isn't a genre. Even baroque isn't a genre.

>t. pseud in denial

if you know theory you are a pseud
baseless statements fun right

Baroque is a genre, like Rock or Pop

Baroque is an era.

and baroque music is a genre


Uhhh no. Baroque music is a style of Western art music composed from approximately 1600 to 1750.

These are actual genres:

Everything is a genre.

A music genre is a conventional category that identifies some pieces of music as belonging to a shared tradition or set of conventions. It is to be distinguished from musical form and musical style, although in practice these terms are sometimes used interchangeably.
>Music genre - Wikipedia

Baroque era is too vague of a term. To equate it with rock is stupid. Baroque includes all different types of vocal and instrumental works, sacred and secular and it says absolutely nothing about the form.

future days is better than the whole classical oeuvre desu

A nice introduction for complete newbs might actually be to watch some movies about classical music.

I'd recommend:
Immortal Beloved (about Beethoven)
Amadeus (about Mozart)

Also check /classical/ every once in a while


Imagine if someone got all music written in the last century and said it was all one genre. All the classical, rap, rock, jazz, ethnic music was all the exact same genre because they were performed in the same century. That is what you are doing right now.

>durr he actually knows what he's talking about how autistic XD

Easy just listen to Tchaikovsky. Like Pax de deus, Swan lake and that shit. Little by little you're going to like it more and more till you end listening to those 2 hours classical music compilations, it worked for me. The only bad thing is that I don't know half of the names of the songs.

>durr if I pretend to be someone else I can act like I'm not all alone with my contrarian and not academically accepted idea
Samefagging is a sure sign of autism.

You're retarded

>not academically accepted idea
Seriously mate all you had to do not to make yourself look stupid is search "Baroque genre" and note how the two words never occur next to each other unless it is in reference to a specific genre of the Baroque period.

>check /classical/

Beginners Guide to the Orchestra. I think it was by Purcell or something

Carmina Burana by carl Orff is good if you like dramatic stuff. Eric Satie if you want mellow introspective sad sounding stuff.

radio classical music is usually boring as fuck, well during the day anyways you might get lucky on late night classical radio but during the day it's all major key shit about how wonderful the the King Queen or country was.

>calls me stupid
>says the baroque is a period and not a genre
>the exact same thing I just said
If I'm stupid and you agree with me I wonder what that makes you. If we are both stupid at least I can read.

>if you don't know how to cook lobster but you eat lobster you're a pseud
Stop spreading shit like this. We all know you don't even listen to classical music. Stop trying to make us look bad.

Watch Amadeus and begin your inevitable Mozart obsession.

How are people still falling for this bait is beyond me