Plebs Say the Darndest Things

Let's post dumb shit plebs say about music.

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Obviously the superior choice is Ringo
I feel bad memeing on him though since he pointed at me and told me he loved me when I was front row at one of his concerts when I was 13. He’ll always have a special place in my heart.

I once saw a guy call Kiss "punk before punk". Also, "Fall Out Boy is one of the only bands where their fans know all of the members names".

That's really cool. I hope you said "I love you" back to him.


I did, and im pretty sure he heard me because he gave me peace signs and pointed at me again, it was probably the greatest moment of my entire childhood


Is that a childhood photo of Unkle Adams?


i hope this guy was being ironic

i can't find them right now but there were a lot of pics i remember. bassius had quite a reputation and people would check up on him

Oh fuck I remember this shit. This image always gets me in a cross between cringe and a angry.

That guy was absolutely serious. He was known for being the most retarded le kvlt elitist on the internet.

>my genre is the most technically impressive because in it songwriting takes time
This is the worst kind of person, whatever the genre is.

You're all plebs and will continue to be plebs as long you post on Sup Forums.

I don't know metal but this is what the bassman is vibing on

>now Classical music and metal are very similar
every time

I don't know why I expected better from him.

How can anyone be so dull to the point of only enjoying one genre? And also being proud of it? Yikes...



>It's like when an ugly person says "hi twin" like no ma'am we're not twins

does that happen?

>Lana del Pleb fans



>rush fans

>Fall Out Boy is one of the only bands where their fans know all of the members names".
This has potential

One time when I explained to an ex why I was breaking up with her, I added that her being a Rush fan was a contributing factor.

>all that melodeath
Melodeath is the plebiest metal genre ever

>metal has the one edge though. It's aggressive

good man
I have never met someone in real life that actually liked Rush, and I'm glad for that

People like this make me feel ashamed to admit that I like Rush

literally anything this guy says about music

Yeah, it's fucked up. Her whole family was obsessed with Rush. They went together whenever Rush would go on tour. No joke, this girl had a shadowbox on her wall with all her Rush ticket stubs displayed in it.

"Death Grips, 10/10"


This is 100% correct and I don't even like Rush. Punk is only valued for its cultural and political undertones. The industry had made it very clear this is all it pretty much cares about when considering something to be "high brow" and why prog never made it big. Punk is one of the most musically vapid genres there is.

But he's right tho

>Radiohead fans thinking their pop trash is that much better than Lana's garbage

Tbqh Rush is way better than the Ramones, but this is still cringy

he's right

Alright I like Rush a lot, but that's just stupid

>Let's post dumb shit plebs say about music

I had a screenshot of it, but it's lost now. Oh well. There was also someone who replied "21 pilots too".

This is true.
>Nice soothing jazz
>Ruined by 10 minutes of trumpet squawking

Not wrong though