What music do cat ladies listen to?

What music do cat ladies listen to?

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Jingle Cats


Lil Peep


Current 93

Tori Amos

the beatles

indie pop

but i hate cats...

Cat Stevens

Meow the Jewels

I know a proto-catlady who listens to top 40 pop, Disney music and the Hamilton soundtrack

Cat Power

top 40 shit from the 80s, 90s or whenever they were young enough to still get used as a human fleshlight by a drunk Chad from time to time

David Bowie - Cat People on repeat, even if it doesn't have anything in common with cats

fiona apple as well

Aren't most cat ladies like 60 years old? I imagine then listening to Carole King and stuff

This is the correct answer.

Dogs > cats

rabbits > dogs



>a rabbit provides companionship and reacts positively when you speak to it
What a shitty pet.

Fuck, I'm basically a cat lady and Weezer is my favourite band

pls be my gf

I'm super ugly tho

King Crimson - Cat Food

i dont care

how is this band popular? Especially their one popular song about being a whiny teenager?

femaon you should totally get with user.

Ani Difranco and Alanis Morisette


Squeeze - Cool for Cats

Only one right answer: Cigarrettes after sex


that's a cool tune

The stupid fucks in my house that let a stray cat live in our basement that meows all the fucking time and wakes me up in the morning (only me, everyone else is on the second story) listen to stupid shit like Halsey. Fucking stupid cunts. I yell at it to shut the fuck up one time and they call me a cat abuser. I've never even touched the feral piece of shit. "He's more welcome in this house than you are". Fuck you

Crazy Cat Lady reportin' in

Nora keyes ~ small apart


Look at you, you're ugly


You sound like a dick but your roommates listen to Halsey. No one wins here.


I'm really not a dick it's just the girls in this house have pushed me too far. They've continuously tried to get my gf to hate me by making shit up. I don't know if it's jealousy or what. I just wanna be done with school and leave these garbage people and this garbage place.

>Leaves the toilet sprinkled with piss
>Eats everyone else's food in the fridge
>Never helps with the house cleaning
>Bedroom smells like 3 years old wank sock, wafts around the rest of the house.
>Is a dick about paying his share of the utility bills

Everyone else in the house is a dick ...
