Is it any good?

is it any good?

it's incredible

FROOSH is the most underraated artist of all time on Sup Forums. half of these redditors haven't heard a song he's in besides Dani California

better than any rhcp album

It's real inconsistent, but it's got good moments. That said I'll listen to anything else in Frusciantes discography before it.

this is correct

he's... probably the greatest ever rock guitarist, desu

it's really good kinda weird but it adds to its goody goodness

It's got its moments, like with My Smile is a Rifle and Running Away Into You, which really conveys the fact that he was battling a horrendous heroin addiction while recording. However, there is some straight up bullshit on the record, like with Your Pussy's Glued to a Building on Fire and even Running Away Into You because of that pitch shifting and skipping effect he does.


Niandra Lades is god-tier, but untitleds are really hit or miss.

crackhead and his guitar: the album

Honest to God just listen to Twin Infinitives by Royal Trux instead.

Why don't you give it a listen, you lazy mongoloid shit.

>He doesn’t like your pussy’s glued to a building on fire
>doesn’t even mention Curtains as a highlight
You’ve been pleb filtered, friendo

He wasn’t on heroin when recording anything on niandra lades (common misconception)

don't forget the cassette bonus tracks, plus the B-side to the estrus 7" which is the full version of the outro to mascara

usually just a t-shirt does though


i like frusciante a lot. i can see it plain and clar, though. hipsters and try hard music aficionados gloat about how wonderful this insane and comically bad music is.

Underrated release

i think he said somewhere that the tracks on the album are chronologically ordered from his earliest track first and then on, and that somewhere around middle to end of the titled tracks album marks his exit from the chili peppers. So from there on he is spiraling into addiction, and it really does bear that distinction in all those unnamed tracks


one of the top singer-songwriter releases ever. amazing guitarwork, he really put his soul into it. can be a bit depressing at times though.

Opinions on Smile From The Streets You Keep?