Why were so many of the key figures in grunge such self-destructive fuckups?

Why were so many of the key figures in grunge such self-destructive fuckups?


>Kurt Cobain blows his brains out after a long and very public struggle with drug addiction, depression and his own conflicting ambitions and impulses
>Layne Staley essentially quits life after his ex-fiancee dies, locks himself in his apartment and spends almost a decade obliterating himself with drugs before finally dying one of the most grotesque deaths in rock music history
>Soundgarden implode onstage and disband at their creative and commercial peak, eventually reuniting for a lukewarm reunion tour/album before Chris Cornell kills himself out of the blue
>Kristen Pfaff joins Hole just as they were on the verge of blowing up and then promptly dies of an overdose


>Mark Lanegan eventually cleans up after years of being a Cobain/Staley-tier addict and someone who a lot of people weren't expecting to still be alive by 2000
>Patty Schemel leaves Hole in the late 90s and spends some time living as a full-blown homeless junkie, eventually cleaning up and getting her life back together
>Mark Arm eventually cleans up after almost making a habit out of overdosing

By contrast, all of the big Britpop artists are still alive and well despite being just as decadent and excessive as the grunge people.
A lot of the non-grunge American alternative bands of the era(Nine Inch Nails, Jane's Addiction, The Breeders etc.) also had a fondness for heavy substance abuse and yet again, all of those people are also still alive and well.

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This issue has been resolved a long time ago.

artists have different brains than most of us. they usually suffer from mental illness. drugs are something they use to feel normal, feel good.

in the case of layne staley heroin was his prozac. its funny because he had everything people dream of. money, status, fame, but could never be satisfied. i dont find him to be weak. just damaged. never stood a chance.

also, if you are new to this board, real topics dont get replies. the only threads that get replies are niggers and post-punk

The powerful highs and lows bring the best out of you, the last time i got stoned i sat and wrote a decent song that i didnt actually hate, something i could sing along to.
Also when your really stressed from some bullshit in life its easier.
Im no heroin addict but i can imagine thats why im not Kurt or Layne Staley

>kurt cobain blows his brains out
thread hidden

post punk is good

niggers must be destroyed


Is Lanegan nodding out here or what?


Is that Kim Gordon? I thought she and Courtney hated each other.

Why do you keep making this thread?



Kim probably still does, I never see Courtney acknowledge her so it might be a little one sided. They were all there cause of a fashion show, Courtney came with Krist.

Gen x had a prescient feel for what was coming.


What's wrong with post punk?
Also nice digits

Heroin is no joke

courtney love is the answer

Lanegan is a God among men. No wonder his Grunge colleagues died of shame after realizing they couldn't be like him


why is he so based

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the butt of the joke.


t. btfo Lanklet

Seattle must be a depressing place. Only reason Eddie Vedder survived is because he's Chinese.

Because they realized all of their music is shit lol

>eventually reuniting for a lukewarm reunion tour
Huh? They played for full houses, and Chris's voice was better than it had been when they originally broke up.


Courtney Love.

don't you know the old saying? British rock stars never fuckin die.