Novelty Record Players

I'm about to buy a vertical turntable. Please talk me out of it.

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Record players are fun though.
Do you have records or are you waiting until you buy the player?

I do have records. I was planning on using the phono out of my old Sansui receiver to listen to them, but it's from the 70's & would most likely cost too much to fix up.

Why is this a thing that exists

It's for people who don't live on dust mountain who want to see their records actually spin.

It proves to everyone that you're only into records for the appearance

its fucking $550
you can get the nicest U-Turn Orbit for cheaper than that

>Ortofon 2M Red
I see that cartridge goes for around $100, why is it so expensive?

because of the material its made out of, which actually does contribute to the sound
but it is admittedly overpriced a bit. they're definitely solid though.

keep in mind they have much cheaper options

I bet you go out of your way to buy colored records and think 180 gram is actually beneficial.

Man I hate the 180 gram meme. There are records from the 70s that are as cheap and flexible as paper that sound fantastic.

Isn't it more about how thinner records are easy to warp?

They aren't easy to warp. As long as you store your records vertically and not completely squished tight they will never warp. You're more likely to get a warped 180 gram record because they need more time to manufacture properly which most pressing plants don't have. And if you do get a warped one they are harder to fix with clamps and such because of the added thickness.

>I do have records.
Post them please.

If you are into posting filtered instagram pics of your "vinyls" and "grails", then by all means... go ahead and buy a shitty vertical table
If, however, you actually like to listen to records... then get a real turntable.

>Please talk me out of it.

Ever see a pro or serious collector use one?

If you're in the UK, get the RSD 2018 special turntable instead.

No user. Since you're retarded enough to even consider buying this, i hope you do get it. I also hope you keep buying stupid shit like this, over and over again until you've bought so much dumb shit, you're behind on your bills, and get evicted from whatever dumb as fuck place you live in, and end up on the street, where you will eventually die, because you didn't beg for anything practical. You just begged for dumb ass shit like this because you're a dumb retarded faggot.


Pretty rude user, why don't you go neck yourself first.

>I see that cartridge goes for around $100, why is it so expensive?
100 dollars is not expensive for a cartridge, that's really cheap actually.

>Acrylic platter provides improved speed consistency and clearer, more detailed playback. External belt drive eliminates motor noise and ensures speed consistency (33/45 RPM)

Yes, but that's pretty much the reason people get into records.

I'm looking at getting a record player, preferably with built-in speakers. Are any sub-$100 players likely to cause damage?
I'm not worried about the sound quality at all, in fact I like the idea of listening to records with low sound quality, I think that's the point of them anyway. $100 is pretty much my budget.

>I like the idea of listening to records with low sound quality, I think that's the point of them anyway.

Fucking dumbass.

What I mean is the crackling and popping and everything else that makes a record sound the way it does. I mean, If I wanted to listen to clean, lossless music I'll just load up some FLACs on my home theater.
Also it's worth noting that I'll mostly be buying used funk records from the 70s.

even a used record cleaned up will sound fine with no pops and cracks on a decent turntable

>I like the idea of listening to records with low sound quality, I think that's the point of them anyway.

>I like the idea of listening to records with low sound quality, I think that's the point of them anyway.

that’s unironically pretty neat

probably fucks up your records tho

delete this post immediately