I feel like this will be a useful thread

I feel like this will be a useful thread.
Post an album you don't get the appeal of and fans of that album explain it to you.

Other urls found in this thread:


sounds completely fucked and degenerate


Pure chaos and unlistenable if not in the mood.

interesting rhythms and beefheart's powerful voice

Its lyrical over-the-top-ness matches the chaotic guitars, and the repetitive drums create an even more claustrophobic and insane atmosphere

it's mostly the goofiness of it. some Swede intoning "BIG CAWK IN HIS TINY ASSS" in his fucked up accent while his pals hammer out repetitive noise rock riffs is just a lot of fun.

I like their more overtly violent sounding stuff though like pic related.

He raps good.

>the lyrics are so grotesque its ridiculous in a way
>the instrumentals fucking rock, although repetitive.
Give it some time, its a grower to some

DB has a really captivating, energetic voice (probably one of my favorite voices in modern rap) and his stuff just gives me an amazing adrenaline rush.

It just doesnt interest me like noise rock or drone or psychedelic

Some catchy riffs and the lyrics are so over the top, its kind of funny, especially with the accent.
This one's really hard to explain. You just gotta listen to it until you can make some sense of the instrumentals. Listen to some of the "easier" songs in isolation first, like veterans' day poppy, pachuco cadaver, moonlight on vermont, and sugar and spikes. Also people like to complain about beefheart's voice. If you want to like this album, that's just something you'll have to come to terms with. Listen to some other beefheart before coming to this album. Listen to Safe as Milk, Clear Spot, Strictly Personal/Mirror Man, Shiny Beast, and Doc at the Radar Station, in that order, before coming back to Trout Mask. TMR is probably one of his hardest albums in his catalogue, and it shouldn't by any means be your first beefheart album.

Thanks man.

Also, forgot pic. This is an album I really get minimal enjoyment out of. Its like the weird parts of WOIIFTM and Uncle Meat, but 30 minutes instead of 30 seconds. Why do people praise this as one of his best?

It sounds so fucking nihilistic and edgy, it's glorious. One of my favorite bands, their other albums are on par with this one.
Their riffs are great, too.
Basically one of the rare noise rock records done right.

Still waiting

he uses guest artists well and carries even the worst of tracks with his energetic style



Not that great of an album but still an easy listen indie rock album
>muh holocaust

Listen to the original 67 version. I prefered that, personally. The spoken word killed it pretty hard.


high school crush loved it and got me to listen to it. she was fucking patrish for a 16 year old.

other than sentimental possibilities it's just cozy and kinda feelsy and the lyrics are interesting (or they would be if the album hadn't been a meme for the last decade).

did we accidentally live the same life?

Now here's a revelation; near enough every teenager lives through more or less the same life. Same incompatible crushes at 16, same nostalgia, same memories. Get over it, you're just like everyone else.


Its a noisey indie folk album with a lot of added instrumentation and abstract lyrics. Not much else to get. Other than that Mangum built a time machine and went back in time to fuck Anne Frank.

I dont know how to explain it's just sounds emotional genuine and sincere to me , I can't explain rationally that album simply resonates deeply with me , some lyrics make tear up and give goosebumps. I didn't like that much the first time and thought it was just a nice folk rock album but it grew in me with every listening

I can understand that. I get the same thing from Dead Flag Blues, but I get called a hipster because muh GY!BE

I can usually find something redeeming in everything, but this was so shitty it actually made me angry that I had listened to it.

*clears the throat*

what is the appeal of lana del ray? i think she is ridiculously unattractive or atleast to the point where i don't understand the meme of her being "OMG YASSS SLAY QUEEN SO PERFECT" and her music is shit, extremely boring voice and writing, prove me wrong

This is sleep-core imo, nothing more, but I really like it, it helps me sleep well.

i dunno but it was a happy time for me and i really started to become a better person for having her back then so i'm glad if you got to experience something similar.

i guess that's generally true but a lot of people miss out on normal teenage ups and downs for various reasons.

The way the record samples and loops of their recordings and loop them gives it this strange authentic but also artificial sound that;s very hard to describe. Also it features great songs with an almost poppy sound, Listen to Lotus Flower or Give Up The Ghost or Separator to get what I mean. It's great, it's just fucking great man. All of the songs are different, and they all contribute to a album that's really good and has no filler and aaaa it's hard to explain

Just looking at the album cover you posted gives me this inner satisfaction because it's such a condensed album that's a really nice and sweet listen

I agree with everything other than looks. I think she's attractive, without a vulgar beauty, unlike most 'popular' women these days. But obviously, like with everything, it's just my opinion.

These days I can't even tell if the teenage ups and downs were a good thing or not...

I prefer adulthood

I think its just some fun ass music. Thats the only album of theirs that really resonated with me, just overly happy music with depressing lyrics yadada

me too

I can relate. It's not the worst music I've ever heard, but it does make me angry.

it's a rather beautiful album about breakups and drug addiction, and it finds catharsis through lots of intense, triumphant arrangements.

every band member is locked in perfectly with each other, Guy and Ian have a great dynamic with their vocals, the lyrics are pretty simple but smart, and tons of great riffs.

I like that Brainbombs has some fantastic riffs. I also think its funny how over the top angry it is.


Fire all around. Fantastic spastic beats and stellar production.

Just listen to Blueprint senpai and that should tell you why

I feel ya. I always thought he was just fucking around with editing on this one, as if he had to experiment pointlessly before really turning it into something good in WOIIFTM and his other experimentals.
I’ve never heard anyone praise it as his best though. It’s not even recognized as one of the main experimental albums.

Taps into anger directly

Gives me a genuinley unique feeling, hard to explain - It's incredible

apart from that one really loving relationship when i was 17-18 my teenage years sucked and i don't miss them at all. i was an absolute dickhead in my early teens too, maybe immaturity etc excuses it but i still feel shitty about it.

I see everyone on Sup Forums post Urge to Kill, but it's one of my least favorites by them
The Single Collections and Disposal of a Dead Body are the best albums by Brainbombs.