There are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that over 40+ years old

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that over 40+ years old

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that are under 18 years old

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW


What concerts did you go to in the 90s?

Good thread. We needed this today.

If i'm still on Sup Forums when i'm 25 i'm blowing my brains out

bump, this is quite funny.

that is not that old mate

>someone irl asks you if you go on Sup Forums

>someone on Sup Forums asks you if they know you irl

>Sup Forums comes up in conversation irl
>they use Sup Forums and Sup Forums


I would never admit I go on Sup Forums in real life. Unless they directly saw me using it I would deny it

I'm 25 >:(

Promise you’ll live post it, teenfag

same 2 b h

38yo checking in

you're doin it wrong. your early 20's are the best years of your life, you shouldn't be wasting them, you should be wasting your 30's here

just in case they forgot

Well at least u are not virgins right?

>tfw not even out of school

>tfw 26

>mfw 26 yo virgin
i gave up normie life already, so i might as well enjoy the autistic lifestyle

>there are people browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW that will be dead one day

There really is no greater indication of autism than someone who thinks age matters on Sup Forums.

>there are people browsing Sup Forums right now that are dead already