Soooo, yeah. If you could tell me what the album of the decade is... that'd be greeeaatttt

Soooo, yeah. If you could tell me what the album of the decade is... that'd be greeeaatttt.

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I'm just gonna leave this here

C'mon man, of the decade?



not him but yeah i'd agree with that


Hm. I mean, I love that album, but I'm not sold on it being album of the decade.
Honestly I don't think there can be an album of the decade. Within a single genre maybe, but not of all albums.

There were a million better ways to ask for the AOTD and you literally chose the worst one.

Anyway, pic related is my favorite of the decade. My more mainstream choice would probably be either Janelle MonaƩ - The ArchAndroid or Ichiko Aoba - 0%.

This doesn't get enough attention


>policing shitposts

Why do normies always have such a stinky taste in music?



the best album of the decade is THIS


This or pic related. Good taste

Nice meme

not that yall would know

Either this or this.

this tho it's fairly derivative (basically a joni mitchell album through J Newsom lens).
to pimp a memerfly maybe too.
time will tell