I can't stop listening to Ween, please give me a new band

I can't stop listening to Ween, please give me a new band.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mr. Bungle

>Dean Ween Group

Camper Van Beethoven

Lemon Demon


bill wurtz

No. Listen to more Ween. Listen to their b-sides.


R stevie moore

four words...

They Might Be Giants

Despite some core similarities (juvenile lyrics, genre-dipping, a blend of experimental and pop elements) I think most comparisons between Ween and Mr. Bungle are more based on their companionship and ethos than their musical output. Ween aren't known for blasting through 4 genres in the span of 6 minutes, and they have entire albums that sound cohesive and consistent with one another.

But how much Ween have you listened to OP? Take the advice of and do more digging. They have so much fucking stuff you probably haven't even heard of yet.

I like the garden a lot, sorta similar to ween but not really at all.

wow, posted at the exact same time. not even samefag


The Flaming Lips
Not really that similar, but they have a large and consistent discography and I'm pretty sure there's a ton of crossover between their fanbases

They might be on to something :0)

The Fall
Guided by Voices

I love Ween and both of these bands took up the majority of my listening for 2 years each.

The only similarity between the three is good songwriting

Z-Rock Hawaii

>deaner hardly even knows how to play the guitar
>is a great guitarist
how the fuck


The Replacements if you want stuff similar to Ween's earlier more experimental/fever dreamish stuff. Listen to Duck Stab and Not Available.

He never plays the guitar over his dick. That's literally all you need to know. That and the solo from Maggot Brain.

There can never be too much Ween.


Anal Cunt

I have to play over my dick, that must be why I’ll never be as good as him

Always above or below mang.

>synthetic socks

you mean the Residents. Replacements are good too tho, just different

lolol yes

I just started listening to Caesar. There's some good stuff on here.

why stop?

Proof that the pit is nearly bottomless


Also, I've never liked listening to a band's live material more than I like listening to Ween's.

fucking love this song


that's surface level as fuck mate. They even play that one live. get on my level
also take off the fucking trip


This. It's hard to like one and not the other.

I don't know how this didn't make it onto The Pod. This is way better than "Molly" or something like that.

Molly's great, fuck you. I am kinda pissed I Was Nothin didn't make the cut, though.