What do you typically eat for breakfast Sup Forums?

What do you typically eat for breakfast Sup Forums?

With yogurt.

I don't eat breakfast.

your mother's ass

Oatmeal or rye bread with cheese or milk+twarog+banana shake or 1000 dicks.

typical slovenian breakfast



my sleeping pattern is so fucked i no longer eat breakfast haha


Just the average Turkish breakfast

Her, have some

No wonder you're all happy fat fucks

>he did it
my man

This or something similar. I get free breakfast at work. I take advantage.

Shut up roach. No ones talking to you.

holy shit i didn't even know this kind of food was an actual thing with an actual name and all... this is pretty much my favorite thing to to on a low budget. thought i was really innovative and shit xDD

don't do breakfast btw. only dinner.

I don't

müsli and yoghurt + 3 mugs of coffee

Black coffee with whisky, maybe some left overs from the day before and a big glass of water..

I don't, I'm cutting and if I wanted to make it harder(easier) on myself I'd be on >>/ck/



toast with butter and jam, black coffee, milk
I wish I could have pancakes and eggs every morning
