Why can't third world countries just recognize their culture is inferior to West?

Why can't third world countries just recognize their culture is inferior to West?

Just compare westernized Africa aka Botswana with the rest of Africa for example, or Westernized Asia aka Japan and Singapore with the rest of Asia.

>Westernized Asia aka Japan and Singapore with the rest of Asia
The only true westernised country is Philippine, and they're Brazil tier

Tell me how Japan and Singapore aren't westernized, Ahmed

Why do you have such an unquestioning faith in the perfection of the West?

They're not especially more westernised compared to other Asian countries, they just have better economy

I'm talking about the real west, I'm not considering western communists desu

You fucking moron, fuck off to Japan, you japanophile, you will feel on another planet because they are so different than the West.

It's like some sort of cultural Dunning-Kruger-esque deal. The shittier a country is, the more fiercely nationalist its population becomes, even if the country is a polarised mess of different cultures and they themselves have fucked off to the West.

Compared to the rest of Asia, Japanese education and Japanese media is very westernized.

Wow. I did not know intelligent people lived in Brazil. You're all right.

to And to add, their Asian characteristic is why they don't have western cancerstuff like 'multiculturalism', individualism, feminism, etc. on surface of course they're modernised, so does everybody, but their civilisational foundation is completely alien

Eastern Europe included

I never understood Turkish and Moroccan nationalism when I wouldn't want to live there even if they paid me gold.

Just because they don't have marxism it doesn't mean they aren't westernized. Marxism isn't a western trait

Thank God Vietnam, China and North Korea dont have marxism.

They're not especially more westernised than other Asian countries, they're mentally collectivist, hivemind people whose culture are descended from Sinotic Buddhist-confucian values, they're different to us
As I said the only truly westernised country in Asia is Philippine
And Marxism is a western thing, it was made, cultivated, and spread by the west, whether you like it or not

There's really no way to determine who is living "correctly"

Humans survive in cities with cars and computers and humans survive in jungles with pretty much nothing. They are both surviving.


Also, Brazil has lot of westernized areas. The crap Brazilian areas are the descendants of tribal africans and portuguese overlods. Brazil is half western this is why they aren't first world.

Its in the name, they're literally considered the joke of Asia because of it, thats where the insult "Mexicans of Asia" comes from

You have very stereotyped views of Japan. Japan is very westernized. Japanese Americans are very integrated.

Pinoys are just like Mexicans and stay in ghettos.

yes, we are very westernized desu

Fun fact, all westernized black countries are successful, Bahamas, Barbados, Botswana. It's ridiculous when you compared them to the tribal ones.

>Japanese Americans
Westernised asians are not real asians

They are even more prosperous than African Americans

There is nothing more fucking insufferable than faggots like you.
Know where you fucking are and know your fucking place.

It's because they recognize their culture is shit, unlike African Americans.

Kenya and Tanzania are doing ok because of tourism.

It's more about geography and history; less about culture.

Africa never had the potential to become as wealthy as Europe.

>Westernised asians are not real asians
Yes they are.Pretty sure thats a no true scotsman family.

>loud and obnoxious
>"sexy and fierce" not cute
>severe identity crisis
>probably progressive and "independent"
>dress and act like a nigger

brazil is the most african country outside of africa
its like a litttle congo republic down there

Until a couple Dutch settlers arrive.

These "Africans" are all mutts just like Latin America.

None of that matters.They are still ethnicly Asian.

If you say America, Jamaica or Bahamas I would agree, but Iberian colonies are all mongrels. Hardly you find pure blacks