So the past few days I’ve been listening to and reading about Twin Fantasy a lot (both the old and new versions) and...

So the past few days I’ve been listening to and reading about Twin Fantasy a lot (both the old and new versions) and have kind of become aware of some sort of lore or some shit behind the album. Obviously the album tells a story, but I’m not really sure if I get it. How do you interpret it, Sup Forums? And what kind of context for the album would you say I need, if any?

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I dunno but it sounds good

CARSEAT HEADREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will is just gay as fuck but he is cryptic about it because being gay is taboo.

Honestly Genius' anottations for both versions have pretty much enough spoonfeeding in the annotations that even I could piece a full story.

There isn't a super coherent "these events happen" story, but the themes per song are basically:
- Feeling like an outcast because of your sexuality/mental issues (BLID)
- Being a control freak in a relationship (Stop Smoking)
- Co-dependent relationships of inherently broken people that don't really help each other (Sober To Death)
Then the middle of the album is pretty much just some good dancey indie about dancing and hanging out until Will figures out in High To Death, after a bad high, that he was actually projecting his desires onto his partner. The title of the album, Twin Fantasy, and the last track, are exactly about that, wishing for your soulmate who you can be one with.
Anyway, in the OG version the part where Will realizes he was projecting this Twin Fantasy was the monologue of NYI, but the new monologue is focused more on setting up Will as a "well-wishing" person that doesn't do evil, only to knock it down in High To Death right at the All Summer In A Day sample (Let me out William) where his partner doesn't want to engage in the fantasy. High To Death also deals with coming to terms with you not being able to fix another person.
Famous Prophets is pretty much the breakup and Will coming to terms with it. A nice interpretation of "The ocean washed over/open your grave" is that it symbolizes these feelings resurfacing and getting buried over and over.
Twin Fantasy (Those Boys) is Will reminiscing on the relationship and what he really wants, which is this fantasy I mentioned earlier, of just having a soulmmate (They're not kissing//They're not fucking//They're just having fun) he can be comfortable with. The ending lines of "When I come back you'll still be here" have multiple meaning and I really like them for it, it can either mean the relationship and feelings Will felt at the time and he poured out

(cont.) in this album, it can also mean the album itself as a self-contained piece of art, or it can mean the person he's addressing that the relationship was about.

If you're interested in the real-life basis of the story, there're a couple more interesting tidbits, basically the album was written by Will about his relationship with Cate Wurtz, a furry artist, that is a trans woman but was probably male-identifying at the times of the album, but a lot of the songs can also be put in a different perspective considering that Will maybe wanted his partner to stay male and not transition, because he wanted a boyfriend, but that's not really something anyone besides Will and Cate themselves know and they both like being very private about this kind of thing.
Anyway, that's my gay-ass take on this album I gathered from being obsessed over it last few weeks and also reading up on stuff from the subreddit/genius annotations/the tumblr interviews.

good post but also kinda gay

Well I am pretty fucking gay and agsty, so this album spoke to me on a really personal level, hence the obsession.
Wish I had found out about back at its release, it would have helped my confused teenage ass a lot I guess


>everything you enjoy is soy

>I pretented I was drunk when I came out to my friends
>I never came out to my friends

>It's been a year since we first met
>I don't know if we're boyfriends yet
Super cryptic

I feel like the less you know about CSH in general works for the better. At least I enjoyed it more when I wasn't aware of how Will is a furry or what an obnoxious fanbase of tumblr gayboys he has.

I don't care about Will being a furry, but he comes off a bit stuck up in every interview/gig I've seen.

he's also friends with 4lung I believe

>If you're interested in the real-life basis of the story, there're a couple more interesting tidbits, basically the album was written by Will about his relationship with Cate Wurtz, a furry artist, that is a trans woman but was probably male-identifying at the times of the album


>but a lot of the songs can also be put in a different perspective considering that Will maybe wanted his partner to stay male and not transition, because he wanted a boyfriend, but that's not really something anyone besides Will and Cate themselves know and they both like being very private about this kind of thing.

I don't think Will ever wanted to impose anything on Cate like that. Monomania, when Will rejects the yearning he has for his lover, was released before Cate came out as trans--it's very possibly Will hadn't known at all during the creation of the original album.

I also think it's best not to talk about what isn't already known about their personal lives--it detracts from the artistic message of the record and causes baseless rumors to circulate.

on top of this it's not even clear if Will and Cate's relationship constituted anything more than Will "falling in love too hard"

Sup Forums, which one do you prefer, the one on the left or on the right?

the right.
little spoon best spoon.
I want left twin to hold me and tell me everything will be okay, and then I fall asleep naked with him owo

How is Car Seat Headrest soy?

The left is more aesthetically pleasing
Ill be your big spoon uwu

a-user o#w#o

We'll have smooth-cocked adventures user

See what i don't understand is that the album is about the disillusionment of his relationship because of romanticising the idea of him, and the issues with the relationship etc etc
But it was written while he was in the relationship?? How do you make an album about a relationship being not so good while you're in the relationship? Then ask him to make the cover art?

Iirc, it wasn't written during the relationship, but after, when the memory was still fresh.
The album artwork was done by Will himself

I remembered the bandcamp page saying that the cover was cate but it doesnt say anything. She did for sure do the illustrations on the lyrics sheet though.
Im pretty sure i read somewhere that they dated until monomania, but i can't find anything to support that
Also I remember seeing the scans of the booklet of Face To Face having "Twin Fantasy by Will Toledo, The Lady by Stella Jung" on the first page. Will would have probably credited Cate if the artwork for the album was originally her, even if the new one is redrawn. Can't find the booklet right now though.

Huh, thanks


literally going to be sick

i made this months ago, still relevant as ever

The "What I expected" part should still be in the "What I got", just smaller. That vore reference in BLID is pretty fun

N-no, it's a b-blow job reference, haha

Also missing at least a couple Bible pics

furries aren't normal

Do you not see Mt. Sinai right fucking there?

yeah the mountain was meant to represent divinity like will despicts is on the first album, mighty and unforgiving

I really liked Teens of Denial. Do I listen to the original version of this or to the new one?

New one then come back for the old one once you get used to the songs for some context and new/old monologue, changes and different Famour Prophets

If you have the time, I'd suggest listening to the first version for a bit, then listening to the second version. The two play off each other in subtle ways, and it makes the impact of the new Famous Prophets' more profound (how it handles growth, pain and acceptance was enough to make me cry, which is rare for music)

Old and then new if you liked the old. Unless you can’t handle the lo-fi-ness of the original, then I guess the new.

Maybe I will listen to the first one until I'm used to it, thanks guys.

Why is CSH's music so addicting? I got super obsessed with Teens of Denial and the original Twin Fantasy about a year ago and now I've been super obsessed with the new Twin Fantasy. I know my friends who also like the band have had the same thing happen to them.

So I have listened to both repeatedly over the last few weeks, they're not good. I can't see them beyond 4/10. I cringe at so many spots during them. What do you guys like about this album so much? I am asking genuinely here, I'd like to see why everyone loves it so much. But to me the indie rock it presents isn't particularly innovative or new, the song writing is pretty lame and about really cringey topics in the most juvenille way. It's like if Ariel Pink were writing his lyrics in complete earnest. Also the monologues are unbearable. Just because Will can write songs about this stuff pretty proficiently, doesn't mean that he should. And this is coming from someone who likes Kozelek's recent output.

I didn't like teens of denial either, though admittedly hippie powers and drunk drivers/killer whales were really fucking good tracks, I just felt like the rest of the album wasn't nearly as good.

Admittedly the production and nuances on the new twin fantasy are way nicer and do make the album instrumentally much more interesting.

show me what I'm missing out on here.

always thought he was just talking about a kiss desu

it sounds like you decided you hated it already. you're not really providing anything substantive in a musical or lyrical sense to which we could assess your critique with, so why bother.

It's really good young adult "edgy" indie, you might have had wrong expectations since you've listened to Kozelek already, what I like about Will's music is his lyrical style that is pretty direct but not overt to the point it crosses into Crywank territory, and on top of that most of it is pretty catchy. It's a really good combination of alright lyrics that, me, personally, as a still angsty 21yo with a lot of unsorted shit, hit very close to home to, and those lyrics are buried in super good anthemic indie rock songs (Sober To Death, Not What I Wanted are straight up anthems, longer tracks like Gun Song or BLID are more introspective and I guess won't really compare with SKM's stuff)
tl;dr As much as Will's themes can hit a lot of "timeless" themes, they are still very teen/young adult oriented, so you might be just too old

you kids need to evolve past mu. Will was underground cool on here like 5 fucking years ago. The demographic for Sup Forums is 16-20.
Stop living in the shadow of taste from this long ago, make your own Sup Forumscore.

signed, a 23 year old and decade long Sup Forums veteran

>you might be just too old.
probably this. I'm 27, so I've definitely moved past the stage in life that Will is writing about. I did like Sober to Death though, the guitar part is really catchy and the way the vocals fit in is really nice.

I think I just want him to write more anthemic music and stop trying to be so introspective. Largely because I don't think he's profound enough or good enough of a songwriter to do introspective well, but he has a good sense of melody and can write slightly obscurely enough that he could make some really good weezer-esque anthems, which seem to be the tracks of his I enjoy most.


I totally get you on him being able to write catchy songs, dude's got real good ear for melody, layering it, and then using it all in a nice structure, sometimes even playing with it. Also his screaming is pretty decent for what he tries to go for.
As far as the introspective lyrics go, probably the next album will be the test of it, pretty much all of the stuff released on Matador (ToS, ToD, new TF) was written way before he got signed, he was writing songs for ToD around the time of either Nervous Young Man or How To Leave Town (don't remember which), so the next one will probably have lyrics written by mid-20's Will and we'll see where he goes.

What vore reference?

I read an interview with him on the banned reddit thing and he said there that the new monolog was from an evil person. I think that's why the album credit says he's the nonbeliever because later when you hear the bible part you can tell it is not ironic at all.

The clip is the lyrics in question (if you're too lazy to find them)
>get more groceries get eaten
>by the one you love
>when they put their lips around you
>you can feel their smile from the inside
Anyone who says it's kissing is in denial, because the description is too grotesque compared to usual stuff, and blowjob analogue makes no sense

google "I put my lips around him"
it's all bloooo jobs.

Well if you take one quote out of context you can get a lot of things.
You don't really "get eaten" when you get a bj, and do you really feel a person's smile when they suck you off? It's sucking, not smiling.

have a chance to see car seat in a month or so, but no one to go with, none of my friends are into this sorta stuff
do i just go alone? the original is one of my favourite albums

Good music isn't confined to a certain age group. Stop being bitter that an artist people like (including you) is getting liked by more people. Being on Sup Forums 10 years still isn't special, newfag.

Sure go alone. Don't be afraid to, no one will think it's weird. The absolute worst that can happen is that you'll see them play, don't talk to anyone and go home again. No hurt done. If you like socialising you might even meet some nice peopel.

What kind of kigu should I wear? owo

all the other virgins will be alone

I am glad that I went and saw them even though I almost didn't because no one else would go with me. maybe I just got lucky though with a good show.