What kind of girls post on Sup Forums?

What kind of girls post on Sup Forums?

The kind with dicks



Girls who pretemdto be tough art hoes online but actually still get bullied and eat their lunch in a bathroom stall every day.

who would actually eat food in a bathroom ? :/

ugly and awkward ones

Social rejects.
They're not eating there because they think it's nice, but because it's private.

Everyone on the internet is male, female or not.

Who would..actually

nigga you think real life is mean girls

You think bathroom stall eating isn't a thing?

I seriously hope those guys don't this

its real
i saw kids do it, sad to be h

when i was in high school and my one ''friend'' wasnt there i would stay in the bathroom for the entire duration of the 30 minute break so people wouldnt see me alone and talk even more shit about me


wow really?


I've done it (not a girl though).

this thread is so embarrasing

cam whores

nice projection

Learn what that word means before you start throwing it about

who hurt you

No one. It's why I'm the one not the one bitching about women.

>bitching about women

do you happen to be burgers?

what the fuck i assumed that most of Sup Forums would have spent at least one lunch in a bathroom given that they always talk about having no friends
t. guy who ate lunches in bathroom stalls

Sup Forums is devoid of real females

I don't think women would be interested in this shitpost. It just reeks of virgin balls.

Some years ago it was full of fags and it was a more charming, sassier place. Now it's just lame, really.

>>Some years ago it was full of fag
Unless you're implying that suburban white hipsters are the same as fags.

My gf browses this site for a fact, but she has garbage taste

My cousin said she would do this when she lived with us for 2 years in 8th and 9th grade. She was from mexico city and we were trying to give her good education but she stopped coming. I also had a sex relationship with her (i was 7 she was 14). She got pregnant she left by two different guys though :((( she was sooooo fuckin hot though she had the best nipples i ever seen.

is this an ironic shitpost

I did my first day of high school but now almost 10 years later I’m a new man


Who cares


bored girls
ugly girls
fat girls
autistic girls

basically girls who crave attention but can't get it in real life

this website is like 0.1% female btw, and every single woman who comes here identifies herself as one

If a femanon touches your dick it gets warts

The girls of you losers' dreams.

This isn't a lie. A long time ago I was with a girl who turned me on to Sup Forumscore and came here. The whole thing was fucked and didn't end well, but it turned out she was a camgirl. There's multiple here.

Both males and females that browse this board are insecure about their social status rejects.

the cute kind

fuck she's ugly. How do you obsess over that?




One time I went out with a girl. She mentioned Sup Forums before I did.

slightly autistic tomboyish artsy weebs
wish I could fug one

OP wants to know the type of girls who actually go on here not the type of girls you wish did

well I know of 2 girls who fit this description and browse Sup Forums

t. girl with dick


That's always implied.

fat ones

girls can't have dicks no matter how much mental gymnastics you do

None. Any supposed "girs" are just dudes pretending so they can rake in some sweet (you)s.

Guessing that 60 percent of browsers, 75 percent of regular browsers, 90 percent of regular browsers who post occasionally, and then 95-99 percent of regular browsers who post regularly are soyboys.


meanwhile on /lit/

Am regular and relatively locally popular musician girl in LTR with boyfriend and in college

we love mental gymnastics very much tho

I can't see girls coming to a board this cringe worthy and embarrassing

god fucking damn it that has to be one of the prettiest girls I've seen in a while I'm not even joking

girls that aren’t actually girls

She has read deleuze's anti-oedipus enough times to understand the symphony under the words, smells funny, speaks a mathematical language no one understands and is allergic to brainlets; none of us ever had a chance.

*blocks your film projector*

I think Grimey might be the only girl who posts here honestly

I have absolutely no idea who she is. I've never even been to /lit/ before. But I do know that at least in that picture she comes extremely close to what I would describe as a "solid 10/10"...

2 times I've hooked up with a metal guy and twice I've been let down with small penises. never again


ay get to know me

irl girl here. ama

like a dude made of metal?

What's it like having a higher pitched voice
t. bullfrog

what's the cut-off line for big and small

see above

I am a girl that posts on Sup Forums. Ask me anything.


it's easier to sound cute and innocent to get what i want. and easier to do impressions of people

he needs to be at least 7 inches if he expects me to not to fuck around & I don't care what anyone says b/c I like to have fun

Why do I post on Sup Forums, or why am I a girl?
If the first I honestly don't know. This forum is a fucking shitfest. If the second because I was born that way I suppose.


i'm 7 inches is perfect. anything above 8 is too big, and below 6 is too small

all of you

wow the stereotype is real

the greasy overweight hairy type


are you retarded?

No. I genuinely find her attractive.

so yes

Well I post here so that whole question was kinda pointless to begin with....
But hey, isn't it great that we all have a different taste?

my man this is honest advice from deep withing me. take good care of yourself, ok? i want you to go outside more. try to eat real meals please. its all gonna work out in the end youre gonna see. i believe in you ok? im sure you can achieve all your goals. even the ones youre not aware of yet

the fuck?

The type who still uses :^)

i'd just go to the library at lunch. yall are weirder than me

My girlfriend starts Halsey threads. I can’t stop her and I’m sorry.

i use smiles ironically and im a man :)

Are you a homosexual by chance?

im a straight fuckin alpha male bruhv