It sucks

it sucks

your wrong

tracks 1 to 5 are alright
tracks 6 to 9 are great

It really does

yes, it's boring as fuck, the debut is a better, catchier and easier album in all ways.


it is not harderer, so what's your point? exactly, none.

Imagine being this pleb LOL ROFL

>MGMT fan calling anyone else a pleb

>not plebian
congratualitons you just played yourself

List your favourite artists
Nice DJ khaled meme bro don't you have some Kannye thread to be in or something


Khaled is actually more of a patrician musician than MGMT. Kanye I havn't been listening to since 2006. But nice try. Now you're free to visit a Grimes or Mac Demarco thread instead.
Bye bye lo-hoo-ser!

Siberian Breaks is one of the greatest songs ever made.

i think you misspelled brian eno wrong

New ones pretty good though

It's Working is a masterpiece
Song for Dan Treacy is a masterpiece
Someone's Missing is a masterpiece
Flash Delirium is a masterpiece
I Found a Whistle is a masterpiece
Siberian Breaks is the greatest song of modern times
Brian Eno is a laffsterpiece
Lady Dada's Nightmare is the only song that could even come close to being considered not a masterpiece on this album. But by the time those final 60-90 seconds or so hit I feel such an insane rush of satisfaction, like a fever breaking
Congratulations is a masterpiece

Congratulations is a masterpiece

I politely disagree, I think it's a fantastic album and possibly one of my favourites ever.

If that makes me a pleb, I don't want to be patrician


LDA will be their peak

Congratulations will always be special to me so, fuck everyone else who says it's bad. LDA is definitely second best btw

Congrats is a good album but it's their worst imo

loved it in 2010, but time has not served it well. it just seems a little pretentious now, except for siberian breaks, that song was dope as hell

andrew and ben if you see this props on siberian breaks and its working but yea the other albums are objectively better, really dislike flash delirium, like a badly executed attempt at some syd barrett shit

they have another album coming this year user


I'm not even a fan of mgmt and I can acknowledge that congratulations is a masterwork. thoroughly good album.

The United States of America
White Noise
Agitation Free
The Beach Boys
The Doors
Pink Floyd
Amon Düül II
The Grateful Dead
The Soft Boys
Mercury Rev
The Olivia Tremor Control
Animal Collective

Not necessarily my favourite artists but all made much more interesting psych rock/pop than anything MGMT has done.

You can think this and still like MGMT

Not him but on their reddit ama they said they should be working on a new album this year. Will probably still come out in a couple of years still.

Only thing I would change is that Siberian Breaks can drag on if you're not in the mood for the album. But it's perfect otherwise.

Fuck, they had an AMA? Ofcourse I didn't browse Reddit for a few days and missed that

>people who listen to MGMT also browse reddit
Who would've thought

I only use it just sometimes though, and mostly for porn

they're still answering questions that are being posted in it


Not all too much a fan of the rest of the album, but Siberian Breaks is fantastic. Wish they'd do more stuff like that.

I'm sorry you didn't get it, come back in a couple of years.
