Another One of These Threads

Post your shitty charts and discuss each others' shitty opinions.

Template faggots

>Long Drive in contrarian

It's objectively their best album though


> objectively
Explain how

> good news not plebeian
> Lonesome Crowded west not patrician
ok bud

op here, it's my second favourite. But my chart is also objectively correct.

anything post M&A isn't not even worth discussing. Lonesome is exceptionally average when you compare it to their early discography.



All Modest Mouse albums belong in the left square


yeah well my dick belongs in your butt... checkmate

He's absolutely right and I was aware of this when I was making the picture, but I'm not going to let my taste be altered by this hipster notion. I may appear like a faggot but at least it somewhat sparked a discussion of my favorite band.

all those are patrician.
But interstate 8 is just a shittier Building Nothing Out of Something, literally. It has some nice live tracks but live tracks don't make an album.
Besides that it's incomplete.
Night on the Sun is patrician.

forreal all the best parts of interstate 8 are on building nothing anyways + more

Personally I feel like interstate 8 is just a tighter mix of the highlights from building nothing, with the perfect emotion punch at the end of the album with Broke>Positive Negative>edit the sad parts.

The live versions also sound better imo, isaac brock has an ugly voice with a slur but he packs so much emotion into these performances.

that's fair but man Grey Ice Water and Baby Blue Sedan hit me harder than anything
you ever listen to baron von bullshit? tons more great live takes

>Not having Good News in plebian

I love them both, just think it's odd to put basically the same album as contrarian.

Grey Ice Water is one of the like 3 songs that makes me cry from instrumental bits, the part at 4 minutes in when the guitars just drop and harmonize with all those harmonics going at the end.
Fucking depressing in a weirdly peaceful way.


You know it's true

Hell yeah my dude, Baron is amazing. Grey Ice Water is my favorite MM song, If it and sleepwalking traded places I8 would be unbelievable.

I feel like I need to be in a certain mood to enjoy Baby Blue Sedan, although I do agree it is an exceptionally gut wrenching track at times.

Completely agree with everything you said here, I guess I didn't think through my original picture enough, but I'm way more interested in the discussion we get to have about it.

I hope you guys get this


Bigger retard

Right Hegelian detected

Agreed, fruit that are itself is fantastic too


the most readibly accesible while popular ones
the actually essential ones
anything plebs and patricians left over

Plebeian: DSOTM
Contrarian: The Wall
Patrician: Animals

How the fuck can building nothing and interstate 8 be in seperate categories if they literally share the same songs bar 1 that isnt on building
did you think this through

zero patricians think animals is patrician


Plebeian : DSOTM
Contrarian : Meddle
Patrician : A Saucerful of Secrets

Should be:
Contrarian: Meddle
Patrician: Saucer

Real patricians listen to Piper At The Gates of Dawn my guy

real patricians listen to Animals. wannabe patricians pretend to enjoy ummagumma / saucerful / atom heart

Plebeian: Animals
Contrarian: Saucer
Patrician: Dessert For Breakfast

Holy shit are we friends now


wrong. real patricians listen to ummagumma and saucerful


Pleb: Blood on the tracks
Contrarian: Slow train coming
Patrician: Blonde on blonde
Illuminati: Time out of mind



why the hell is that album supposed to be contrarian

patrician is exmilitary

patrician is fashion week


thats contrarian :)



Interview is better than Fashion Week tbqh

this was done horribly. You just ignored two of modest mouses most mainstream popular and accessible albums. And on top of that you had interstate 8 and building something out of nothing on the same template.


Plebeian: Abbey Road
Contrarian: MMT or White Album
Patrician: Sgt Pepper's or Revolver
Illuminati: With The Beatles


Interstate 8 is just a poorly mastered version of BNOOS but with Edit The Sad Parts in it and less tracks. If anything, Interstate 8 is the contrarian choice just because of how senseless it is. Good job fucking up your own shitty thread retard.

Also none of those albums belong in the left box.

there aren't even remotely accurate


no they are

In Rainbows is DEFINITELY patrician

Patrician choices are the Everywhere EP + Good News

Pleb choices are correct though

what album is patrician?

Commencing mini-dump

nldw isnt contrarian



Why isn't their whole discog put in the middle?
Bad band

Lost Aaraaff

switch plebeian and patrician and then it's correct

imagine having taste this shit

This, but switch The Wall with DSOTM.

yeezus is his best work




Acceptably correct, but switch out Pepper for Abbey Road


Watch the Throne


idk where the hell Graduation should go. It's strangely Contrarian *and* Patrician??

Perfect. Except maybe NotM instead of nldw

Yeezus is, by a wide margin, the worst thing he's ever released.

why didn't this thread just end here?