
Recent Sup Forums purchase thread

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What's the album on the left?

Solid Space - Space Museum


Curious, how often do you guys listen to your records, and how do you actually enjoy it?

I barely have time to put on one record a week anymore due to work. When I do listen now, I like to read my comic/manga, because I have so little free time.

I used to listen to records a lot, but as time goes on I don't have the hours to dedicate to sitting a spinning a record, even though I have 100s of them. As I get older, the less time I have to dedicate to them it seems. They also take up a ton of space.

Op here.I work 4 12 hour days so I get a few solid days off the just listen to music all day and read or work out. I spin a lot

Should I cop the new Iannis Xenakis reissues? It's $50 total since it's shipping from Germany, two records though
I know it's a lot


What's the point of buying vinyl when CDs exist and have superior sound quality

anyone want to rec me a nice record that comes with cool shit in it. also sorry no record post im not at my house atm

I though vinyl had better sound quality?

records are more fun

What's the point of buying CDs when digital exist

>What's the point of buying


February's haul.

Radiohead!! Awesome

cringe thread?

What's that vulture album

Protest the hero - Volition

I prefer the CD art though. If you don't like metalcore I wouldn't recommend them.

holy fuck youre a faggot

Alright, thank you

Got the Eyehategod record signed by the band a few weeks ago.

> street hassle
good taste


Cd's sound better than digital. Vinyl doesn't sound better than cds

got this yesterday and tried making a rip


original absolutely free?

Ordered this last week, the complete eight-song output of 60's garage/folk-rock group The Dovers. They're kind of like The Byrds but less refined.

RTJ are not bad but Swift and Paramore

You're stupid or ignorant or both.

He'll yea it's good shit

Thanks for the rec

Some random stuff, Forget and the T-shirt meme

> he hardly listens to vinyl so much he forgot what his records were


I envy your Lesson no.1 record
Not EVERY time you see a copy of solid space, nice!
Yes records always look good

Yes (haha) they do

Have any of you guys joined

Wut it?

Somebody on Amazon is offering a "backup cd" with the purchase. The vinyl was never released with an accompanying cd. So is this guy seriously trying to bribe people with a bootleg? Is this even allowed? Sounds shady and illegal as shit.

Cd's sound better than digital. Vinyl doesn't sound better than cds

amazon is a shitshow
>seller ups price from $20 to $40 after i message him and show interest

It's a torrent site for music. They currently have around 50'000 vinyl rips, so I guess some of you might be interested.

Should I splurge and buy the Beatles Mono boxse for like $350?

Also I’m supposed to be getting sailorwave today

No. Seriously.

Why not? They’re probably my favorite band


Listen to more music.



*breathes in*

>Why not? They're probably my favorite band






>paying for music in the current year

>Sup Forums suddenly hates the Beatles
what the fuck happened?

get better taste basic bitch taste soyboy

>afraid of a soybean


>Glenn Branca

Sure got me. Look out, the soybean might get you!


It's just someone samefagging

>Space Museum
Fucken nice! Is that the Dark Entries pressing?

>he says while samefagging

Whatever floats your boat but it better really really good because it's a shitload of money just for beatles records

Vinyl has 'collection value' and are fun to collect to, whereas CDs are fucking lame. That's why I buy vinyl and download flac. But if you're a simpleton who loves CDs, that's your pejorative, not mine.


Yes it is and so is Lumpy Gravy (both have the gatefold). Lumpy was listed as sealed, but the corners were bent so I was skeptical. I opened it and saw that it’s disc was never used. It sounds great for being 50 years old.

I only have 1 shit photo, but I got a bunch of records a few weeks back. My dad let me have all his old stuff from the 70s and 80s. It's mostly prog stuff like yes, genesis, king crimson, strawbs, and pink floyd.

I said random because it's nothing out noteworthy they were all like a buck each you twat

Fair enough

>Street Hassle
nice, just complimented someone at the record store yesterday for picking it up

no pics b/c I'm at work and not near my rec's but I got:
my MBV reissues in the mail
Isaac Hayes' Hot Buttered Soul
Earn's Hell on Earth
a BBC recording of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood

all yesterday, waiting for a replacement AC adapter for my TT in the mail right now, so I currently can't listen ;_;
