Tfw don't really enjoy going on Sup Forums or Sup Forums that much anymore

>tfw don't really enjoy going on Sup Forums or Sup Forums that much anymore

Yet I still do it every fucking day goddamn

Same, every thread just devolves into how white x thing is, etc

I know that feel Bruce

I'm tired of politics, race wars, everything I just want to have friendly conversations in the internet again

Sup Forums used to be a comfy board. It hasn't been that way for a long time.

>tfw don't really enjoy living anymore

yet i'm still alive every fucking day

you can still have those

deep shit man

People cant remain comfy forever

No one is here because we enjoy it. We are here because the real world is too painful to experience. Most Sup Forums users aren't mentally ill, but they aren't fully functional members of the society.

We are stuck somewhere in the middle. This is hell.

I feel you, i hate this place


all threads just seem to devolve into how much neobavariantransneanderthalnano DNA people have and stale generic memes about posters flags ad infinitum.


>quit video games
>get addicted to Sup Forums
>go to sleep 3am
>the ride never ends

It finally ends when you kill yourself

i wish i could expend my reading energies on reading actually useful things like books :(

instead of watchign the same old posts be posted day in and day out

Sup Forums absolutely died several years ago

Yep and now we're just playing with a corpse.

Why can't we just sleep forever? I wonder this every time I wake up.

You're here forever.

Personally, I've learned that I need a sounding board where I can say anything and know it won't be traced back to me. Anonymity is fucking great.

Yeah sometimes I just wish I could sleep for like 48 hours at a time

>know it won't be traced back to me
ummm sweety.