Shitty pixar movie #139 wins the Oscar over a timeless Sufjan classic because "LE DRUMPF XD"

Shitty pixar movie #139 wins the Oscar over a timeless Sufjan classic because "LE DRUMPF XD"

>Shitty pixar movie
Oxymoron (with the exception of the 'Cars' franchise)

tyler the creator is bad in every way just want to remind you all


lol i forget what the pixar movie even was

What do you mean Cars is the bible


Cock O

>Implying Coco isn't the best Pixar movie since Up.

It's the Academy. They don't like gay Christians.

>generic sufjan ballad

this is true

Faggot Coco was actually really good


>tfw happy with either Sufjan or Coco winning
>tfw still disappointed since Disney and Pixar have a monopoly on Oscars

Coco was good and there was literally nothing political about it.

Also Sufjan Stevens is soy as fuck.

Portraying Hispanic people/culture in a remotely positive way is a political agenda and indoctrination now.

Let's just admit that you don't really know anything about Coco and it just annoys you because it's about messicans

It's not Drumpf, it's Disneybucks™

(((Disney))) realeased the movie because of the Trump controversy, retards. The movie sucks
This movie and the song are emotional dishonest.
Why Subaru have to suffer ;_;

>Lee Unkrich first pitched an idea for the film in 2010, when Toy Story 3, which he also directed, was released.[11] Initially the film was to be about an American child, learning about his Mexican heritage, while dealing with the death of his mother.

Drumpftards are this dumb.

And planes

pretty much all their movies have been shit since Wall-E honestly

I hate Inside Out more than Cars film (the sequels don't count).

>excluding the 'Cars' franchise)

This is clearly homophobic.

uhhh this isn't music

to be fair, visions of gideon is better than mystery of love but theyre both better than EL TACO BURRITO AYE AYE AYE

Book Of Life deserve better than this shit.

Not an argument and you've no idea what you're talking about. Go back to

natalia bebe you deserve everything

I think he was making fun of Sup Forumsfags

You people really have a tendency to turn your brains off and just say "pol xD" as an argument. Fuck.

But it wasn't Disney

>caring about the Oscars