Am I allowed to like smashing pumpkins?

Am I allowed to like smashing pumpkins?

No but thanks for asking

Life's a bummer
When you're a hummer
Life's a drag


smashing pumpkins = Sup Forums
not liking smashing pumpkins = reddit and tripfags


reddit = smashing pumpkins
Sup Forums = nine inch nails

i heard that they're all classically trained, that means they're prob patrish

You can't like any band featured on the simpsons

Why can't I like both?


reddit = smashing pumpkins
Sup Forums = smashing pumpkins

because someone on the internet made a comment I didn't like so I replied in an equally snarky way

I'll never understand why they're actually called "The Smashing Pumpkins". I don't know why "the" is added.

Also smashing pumpkins sounds like brit slang for nice tits.

nine inch nails is reddit

Who's the semen demon in the middle?

Why do you need approval from some autistic faggots on the internet to enjoy certain music?

Not liking Smashing Pumpkins would make you a faggot

>smashing pumpkins sounds like brit slang for nice tits.

They're the worst example of 90s alternative rock.

nine inch nails = Sup Forums

reddit = smashing pumpkins
Sup Forums = the smashing pumpkins

lifes uh bummer
when youre uh cummer
that penis, I take uh drag
fuck me, fuck me
choke me

As soon as Billy Corgan stops being a whiny faggot then sure

Yes. Anyone who disagrees is wrong.

I like both.

Yes but only their 90's albums

>talking shit about Machina

reddit = smashing pumpkins
Sup Forums = pavement

wrong way round my dude

>this is what soyboys believe

sp are normie shit pavement is for neets

Joke = Smashing Pumpkins
Woke = Pavement
Bespoke = Archers of Loaf