times to die is there best song




I didn't listen to it, but definitely not.

aoty 2011 maybe, 2018 version can suck my weenie

i mean i dont know if it counts but it's certainly a very good record



came here to post this

>deletes Nervous Young Inhumans
ah, much better

in all seriousness, maybe.

but it's March.

Stop shilling your album nick

No, it’s shit compared to the original

Ryuichi sakamoto’s collab live album is aoty so far


Wait until August mother fucker

so far, anyway
though I doubt it'll be topped

You know whats bullshit?

The original TF was better because it quite literally felt more personal. Like Will was inviting you into his bedroom. It was an intimate record.

The new TF is devoid of that. It is a polished record that has lost a lot of what made it special in the first place as an album.


It's not because it's polished. It's because Will is shifting his influences from indie rock to fucking hip hop, including shitty female voices (which are out of place) or skits in nearly every single track like he's fucking Kanye West.

Also, CSH has been my favorite band for years, but lately I notice he's becoming quite the fan of doing just

>simplistic lyric which says nearly nothing, but sounds cryptic

I actually never saw it this way but this is an interesting take. I've noticed a lot of Indie Rock musicians doing that and the result is more or less always the same. A trash album.

I gave TF re-release a 5/10

That's the bandcamp rock blueprint, there are bands like Nouns which even sound like parodies of this concept (though they don't realize it). They have a song which is literally just

>I feel so stupid, I feel so depressed, I need more friends, I want more friends

That's just lazy writing. I appreciated the new Famous Prophets until realizing a lot of it is just filled with empty instrumentals now that don't really mean anything. Will was going on a completely different direction before he signed - just listen to songs like Gun Song or I Want You To Know That I'm Awake, lyirically gigantic and fantastic ones.

I hope this isn't indicative of the future.

As a bandcamp rock musician I think the issue stems from a general apathy to dig into influences beyond emo and sadboi music from the early 2000's and 90's. Most of the guys making albums on bandcamp all have the same taste in music. It is insane.

Will always had, before this, a different mindset in my personal opinion. Once you become uber popular though and start making cash I suppose you get a different outlook though. The thing is, I know for a fact Will is one of the most invested guys out there in terms of his influences. The dude used to post here for fucks sake. I wish he would take his head out of his ass and start working on power pop with a mindset towards Teenage Fanclub and Big Star. he could totally do it, move his music in a more progressive way and such.

I'm still rooting for him, but damn, it sucks.

wat, hip-hop? female "out of place" voices (how dare he insert females)? You sure you listening to Car Seat Headrest?

>(how dare he insert females)?

Fuck off into trying to turn this into a sexist issue you fucking retard. Actually study music and learn what fits and what doesn't. Will has said himself he is a big fan of Kanye West and Frank Ocean among others and he even namedrops Frank os his new album.

Nothing worse than a dumbfuck thinking he's intelligent.

Yes, Will indeed is/was different.

All my music teachers I've had hated him because they said he "cheesed" his songs, inventing a bunch of stuff and so on, but that's what made it so good and the changes so jarring. Sober To Death, the original, will always be one of my all-time favorites because of this - he plucks during the more delicate verses, strums one way on the chorus, then another later on, drops a bunch of different patterns as he repeats his mantra in various emotions in the end of the song, etc. The new one butchered this feeling.

The lyrical change is what astounds me the most because it seems he got worse AFTER studying english, which is weird. You can clearly see the clash in Famous Prophets, which has both original and new lyrics. The first ones go:

>Apologies to future me's and you's
>But I can't help feeling like we're through
>The ripping of the tape hurts my ears
>In my years, I've never seen anyone quit quite like you do

Perfectly written, perfect sense, and notice how the rimes are smart and non-obvious (you's/through/do and throwing that nice internal ears/years in between). Now the new ones:

>I'm not gonna end up a nervous wreck
>Like people I know who are nervous wrecks
>Though I'm not gonna name names, yours was an exception
>Did the sound just stop?

These sound like they weren't even revised, and also filler-y as fuck.


literally laughing my ass off at this user an his pathetic attempts to diss new TF.

>I'm not gonna end up a nervous wreck
>Like people I know who are nervous wrecks
>Though I'm not gonna name names, yours was an exception
>Did the sound just stop?

this isn't even new you dumb fuckin inbred, goes waaaaay back to highschool and the Nervous Young Men.

There are literally almost no lyrical changes on the new version but interpolations of old tracks, something he's been doing since the numbered albums

Not even the (Stars) part in Famous Prophets is new, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't know it was on the original as well, the grieving part Will called it, but was taken off in the end, however later available

>simplistic lyric which says nearly nothing, but sounds cryptic

you could literally apply this to every single one of his records as well if you are going to be that try hard, you act as if he started doing it after he got signed, whats funnier is he has almost written no new music at all (at least available to the public) since hes been on matador, TOD written in its majority in 2014

You are literally bitching at a musician showing growth and maturity while carefully revisiting his craft

>Nothing worse than a dumbfuck thinking he's intelligent.

yeah, indeed

pretty sure I played CSGO with car seat headrest recently, he was on the other team tho so i couldnt chat with him to know for sure. he sucked tho, was bottom of the scoreboard when i checked.

what is difference to the 2011 one?

Obviously more polished and cleaner, not so lofi, new track names and some new lines

>you could literally apply this to every single one of his records as well if you are going to be that try hard

Not only do you argue my point for me but you are also, still, a dumbfuck, and no, you could not. Twin Fantasy, Monomania, NYM and HTLT are ALL heavily lyrical albums. The songs in ToD (which I very much liked) that were written beforehand are also nice, but his lyrical changes, again, are worse - like literally in the first ever verse of Fill In The Blank.

Will has said himself a lot of his old songs are nearly impossible to play live, because they were cut and spliced and put together by himself in his own way on his computer, without a band, and has he himself admitted he's trying to build a backlog of things he can actually perform on shows and go for a poppier sound at the same time - which is why people are saying the songs sound dumbed down, they literally are.

Don't embarass yourself any further by trying to come off as smart, please.

an that re-recording is worth calling it an aoty?
how shitty are other albums when you have to give it to the actually older one...

jesus fuck you are severily stupid, for starters I'm not even the guy you were talking to first, second way to miss the point I was trying to make when I quoted your stupidity

>Twin Fantasy, Monomania, NYM and HTLT are ALL heavily lyrical albums

>Implying I wasn't aware of this
>Implying TOD has several lyrical changes (this is actually lol worthy yet again)
>implying the average listener can't come to this conclusion by themselves

Will actually has to restate this on almost every single interview because of whiny fucks like yourself, so called fans that are just entitled cunts who think Will spent his college days making music for them to play in their bedrooms

>implying songs like high to death famous prophets and blid now sound "dumbed down"

only valid point you've made in the entire thread has been about the ending of Sober to Death, which, also has a reasoning behind why it sounds the way it does

Not him but you literally avoided all of that post's valid criticisms and just called him a dumbfuck

Smh CSH fans are garbage sadboys, the new album was undeniably fantastic, with or without your nostalgia goggles. No one's forcing you to listen to it over the original lmao

Also new version of Cute Thing is so good help me get it off repeat

>Implying TOD has several lyrical changes

How can you purposely be this dumb? I specifically mentioned THE VERY FIRST VERSES of Fill In The Blank, which were changed from his original lo-fi demo, as something that was changed for the worse. What a thick fuck.

>Will actually has to restate this on almost every single interview because of whiny fucks like yourself, so called fans that are just entitled cunts who think Will spent his college days making music for them to play in their bedrooms

You make literally no point in this entire phrase. Will's music is dumbed down. That's a fact. Live with it. Also notice how you can't comment on song composition and structure or anything like that - because you clearly have no musical knowledge other than listening to Will in interviews and trying to be edgy online. Fucking pathetic.

The songs aren't feeling empty to so, so many people because they're cleaner now, this sould actually improve the sound. They are feeling empty because Will, by his own intention and admission, is trying to straighten his work out in order to make it "playable" for him and his band - so all the crazy layering, effects, several Wills singing at once and anything of the sort is gone. HTLT is still his most complex album and when he plays songs from that album live they just sound not as good as when recorded. The fact is, having an actual band and having to play with an actual band has fundamentally changed Will's sound, all the complaints from everyone are valid, some people just don't understand or cannot articulate why.

>No one's forcing you to listen to it over the original

Did someone force you to reply to my post, my good retard? Then why did you do it? Could it be that you are a human being with your own free will?

i'll probably never understand how anybody could wring paragraphs out of discussing this album
i could walk 5 minutes down the street and hear a band in a bar playing to 20 people that sounds just like this
just because he viralled this on here doesn't mean he's your guy, that's the only conclusion i can draw

You should really make some friends man and then you could show them the new version of Cute Thing because it's a ripper tune and they'll really appreciate you for it dude

Also might be good to stop thinking you're smarter than everyone because you listen to music which is hard to play live

>literally cannot counter-argue
>"G-go make some friends man even though I'm in the exact same forum as you and replying in the same thread at the same time about the same subject let me try to be morally superior xD"

Neck yourself, m'dumbo.

I'm just worried about your wellbeing

I'm also on a need to know basis

xD are you xD done now xD?

the only correct answer