Who is the next hypetrain to leave the soundcloud station?

Who is the next hypetrain to leave the soundcloud station?

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I’m so tired of this being its own thing. Soundcloud rappers seriously need to die out, they are the peak of degeneracy and half-assed work. Why anybody supports them I don’t know, they all sound and act the same to the point where none of it is distinguishable. It’s hurting rap as a genre altogether

>hurting rap as a genre
Oh wow what a loss

lil mosey

What does that mean. You mean the next artist to gain popularity through soundcloud? Or are you implying X is too big for soundcloud, so he left it? Literally both could be true since X claimed to never be uploading to soundcloud again, multiple times.

I mean yeah if you pull your head out of your ass you’d know that rap has a lot of redeemable work and that you’re just being an elitist.
>the roots
>krs one
>Freddie Gibbs
>DJ screw
>dead prez
I could go on. Looks like the only thing hurting rap is the bullshit coming out of SoundCloud.

there are no people who are genuinely listening to this... nobody hangs out on soundcloud, there is no hypetrain...

soundcloud rap will start to decline by the end of 2018
It will be dead by mid 2019.
All the kids who listened to it will graduate from high school in 2020.
It will be dead by 2021.

none of those besides gibbs have made anything relevant in the 10s
also u can like both styles u fucking faggot

>It will be dead by mid 2019

>It will be dead by 2021.

Why are you even trying/why am I responding to you

head back to r/hiphopheads faggot.

we bring it back to life so we cn kill it again :*)

Think that’s where you belong with that trip of yours you attention seeking faggot. Nobody here respects you

respect on the worst board on Sup Forums? wow
now answer the question why did u namedrop a bunch of washed up rappers and screw?

>respect on the worst board on Sup Forums? wow
>i have never been on Sup Forums in my life

This girl kick ass...
not kidding

Sup Forums at least tries to discuss films and doesn't pretend to dislike mainstream films because of "normies"

what rappers are not washed up according to you _



This nigga

cant wait