Well? Will it be Sup Forumscore?

Well? Will it be Sup Forumscore?


no, we must #resist post african repetitions

Herbie is too patrician to release something bad

I really can't wait to see how he butters up that sax!

it’s gonna suck

herbie is finished

>When Billboard asked in 2016 if he thought that Kendrick's To Pimp a Butterfly was "a gateway to jazz," he replied, "Oh, I know it is."


Sup Forums eternally BTFO

>the absolute state of jazz


You must have skipped his 1980s output.

TPAB is for babbys though


Everything he made is Sup Forumscore.
Even the shitty albums.

What happened to that guy with the

meme? that was a good one.

I'm still on here pretty much 24/7 I just don't use my trip anymore.

Well you have a good reason to bring back the Herbie meme, i guess.

Will this album finally be the one to bridge the gap between plebs and patricians when it comes to discussing the worth of hip hop?


based anonposting tripfag

Who said I stopped memeing him?

Of course I am. Thundercat and Kendrick each have albums in my top 30, and even though The Imagine Project sucked more dick than a cheap whore I can get behind this album.

>Kendrick Lamar
>Snoop Dogg
>Wayne Shorter
>Lionel Louke
>Zakir Hussein
>Flying Lotus
>Kamasi Washington
>James Genus
>Vinnie Colaiuta

Holy shit, Herbie's going all out with this one. I am curious how he's gonna arrange all this and what the ultimate contributions will be from Terrace Martin and Flying Lotus. Martin has done production before (TPAB) but he can play instruments proficiently as well, but Flying Lotus? Idk what's gonna happen.

This meme deserves to be shot.

Can Herbie fix him?

>kamasi washington
dropped, fuck this hack

Martin and Shorter are sax players as well though, so hopefully they get more of a spot than Kamasi does. Not to mention I would think Kamasi would have to adjust to the kind of harmonic frameworks Herbie and Shorter work with which'll hopefully force him to get more interesting with his playing.
He's not ready yet, but I think Herbie can do it and make him pretty good by the time he hits 30. Or at least that's the hope I keep for him, it tends to be that way for most jazz artists, too. Most people used to say Miles Davis used to suck around Jacob's age as well, Coltrane's recordings from when he's around Jacob's age suck, too. Guys like Herbie, Duke, Louis, Bird, Williams are all exceptions not the norm in that they were doing masterful work at very young ages in the genre.


Is head hunters a good place to start with his discography ?

No, Maiden Voyage ist

Empyrean Isles or Maiden Voyage if you want modal jazz

Sextant if you want weird jazz fusion

Head Hunters if you want funky jazz fusion

The song Rockit if you just wanna listen to a pretty sick yet iconic 80s electro track

I would just recommend starting from the bottom suggestion and working your way up based on the complexity of the compositions.



Holy fucking shit this lineup is amazing.

There are some things even God can't fix.

Go in chronological order you coward.


Is HerbieAnon still around? I was just thinking about him.

Kendrick will surely ruin the project