You might not like it, but America's band is KISS

You might not like it, but America's band is KISS

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KISS is the figurehead of American music.

kiss is more of a relic than anything, pure merchandise

How so?

OP raises an interesting question. What is America's band? The Beatles is clearly Britain's band. Who are America's Beatles? It clearly isn't a trash """band""" like KISS.

You're goddamn right they are.

America's band is America

It is KISS

>Garbage dad rock band which is headlined by a fat turbo kike who is obsessed with raping goyim women and shilling cheesy merchandise to his rube fans
America's band indeed

The Beach Boys

Cheap Trick

I have to agree. Nobody hates the Beach Boys which you can't say of KISS.

>dad rock
The first sign of a moron millennial who doesn't actually know musical genres, fuck off queer.

I hate the Beach Boys. Beach Boys don't have a cruise, do they?

t. Baby boomer

America is a very large land and its too hard to pick one person or band that represents america.

When i think of the velvet underground i think of new york.


I was born in 89, fortunate enough to see the second meteoric rise of KISS when they reuinited. You were in pampers watching Rugrats at that time.

KISS will die and people will still remember the band. Hate it or not, they are easy to recognize and easy to listen to.

AND, I know they cheated with Alive! but it's one of the best "live" recordings ever.

Fucking millennial

alice cooper was better

Aerosmith kind of were, at least in the 90s.

Better at what? Alice Cooper was not the same as KISS even if they influenced them, Alice Cooper was a band with one guy doing a horror/drag show, KISS was four guys being super heroes

their music is fun, Alive! Is one of the greatest live albums of all time.

Iron Maiden is the same shit

fuck off, Chaim

Far from it. A lot of people disliked them in the 70s and a lot of people dislike them now, and Gene Simmons hasn't done a lot to improve anyone's perception of the band.

You're a fucking millenial too, you retarded mong
The Beach Boys

Anyone who doesn't love Kiss is a nazi m8

Posting shitty 80s KISS songs isn't a good way to sell people on them.

This was mainstream Americas first real exposure to KISS.
Primetime televison on a Show your 70's kids parents probably watched.
I know I watched it just to see KISS perform.

I was a rock fan that wanted it, and I got it! The hottest band in the land......... KISS!

When my dad was in college, he said he went in a record store and they had a poster advertising Destroyer that the employees purposely put way the fuck on the back wall where it was hard to see it, and he said he never saw anyone in that store buying any KISS albums.

He did say you'd hear a lot of guys complaining about bands like KISS and how rock had devolved hard and they wished it was still 1969.

The full Halloween Special Broadcast.
KISS starts at 41:10

>normiecore TV special
>plays their blandest and most normie song
Figures they weren't going to play anything good like She or Nothing To Lose.

They played 3 songs.
Detroit Rock City 26:15
Beth 41:43
King of the Night Time World 45:08

Also keep in mind this was primetime televison in 1976 where "Three's Company" and "Charlies Angels" were still considered controversial.

>Has a handful of decent songs
>Is made up of a bunch of shitlords
>Makes the majority of their income from trashy merchandise
Seems like KISS is America's Beatles

One Direction has more musical integrity than Kiss does

If it had been the Rolling Stones, they probably would have just played Angie and Wild Horses instead of anything edgy.